Show E AT DE Nl i S f JUch Ore Like LUe Ilm Found in Liberty Tunnel Tumid 1 Tunnel Another strike strike- strike of oC great geat Importance to th the district in southern been made mado have hiLve I Utah is reported to in the last lat few days dS d'S This latest strike strike 4 Is In the tunnel in the Liberty pro property prop crt orb erty owned b by John Erickson No Ni o I tho the find have been received details of or I the richest richest rich rich- K here except that thai It I I is one of est ost yet ct made in a a district which is f becoming famous for rich strikes fe The Liberty property properly is tho the n north lUt lU S 'S extension of the Sunflower in wl which ch or ore worth 1 a pound is being sacked has the evidently which Liberty Libert The Tho t same ledge front from rom which the Sun Sun- unI un- un I 1 I J I Is taking Us Its Is rich ore also adM adjoins adr ad ad- of or claims M r joins the Reuben group roup f owned b by C C. E. C.-E. B. B Peak Peale and Salt sl Lako Lake a associates iA The Tho owners of oC the Reuben group I It which has ha one or more of or the well wel that part that traverse defined ledges tra Jt 1 formulating plans of the tho district pro rc fr r for foi tho ho development e of oC their ther prop prop- arty |