Show If I there thoro is any man on earth who doesn't nee need neel the supporting hand of or the lie legislator It I Is tho lie short haul lender mon money y Representative Taft Tac has 18 asked that all nI heavy hauling wheels be of or the he broad tiro iro tro variety in Utah Ills Ils reason rason I la is tho Limo reasonable desire to preserve tho Ito roads of or the state Ho ITo le gives wagon wason builders anti and ant wagon buyers time enough to mako maleo U the he e chaple change by setting tho tim day ay of or wide tires tres In the thc year 1915 lG Any cause so bad as to need misrepresentation does oes I not deserve 0 to succeed That Thit is the tho chief reason why people nil all ni over tho lie country arc are going s back on the Iho Kearns Clemenson Leil crowd of or sl slanderers That Is I the lie reason that iia the sentiment of the nation naton has turned and anti Is now very cry generally In favor or of ot doing the right thing Instead of or b being beguiled Into th the thic wrong thing thins That Is the reason that Senator Smoot will wi not bo be driven out out of tho senate senate Oregon lawmakers have havo been leen paid pail three dollars a day In tho the vast past and there thero have o been some sessions when whon the lie general belief of or tho ho public was that tho the pay might be beless beless I less Jes without doing any finy one an injustice But nut now the Ore Oregon on are considering a bill bi to increase their salary to ton ten dollars a n. day And nd it I i 13 Ia Ikel likely to pass pas I Let tho lie mem-bers mem members of r the tho legislature ler keep constantly I before their minds th fact tact that lint In tn the discussion ana anti I settlement of or tho the University and Agricultural college problem they thoy have above all 01 things the interest of or the people of or Utah to consider Tho The people of tho the whole stale state of Utah Utah now now Uth-now now and for tor all 1 tho Ito years of oC the future The American city administration has lias ha made mado malc the tho gutters gutters gut gut- anti and ona catch basIns basins at at tho east cast ont and north sides side of or tho the city cHy as n If J there never ha had been a flood lood of water there A Kansas town could be supplied very vory properly with wih the tho same size sIzo of or water carriers But Dut Salt Lake resting against the lie 11 hills Is an and every overy ever winter anti and anI spring discharging arg In ing Hoods Into the tIme streets of ot tho the city cit should have been equipped with facilities for handling tho lie larger haiger larler volume that hint Is certain to come We Ve note that there thero are arc to be a a good many Improvements Improve improve- ments in the tho general service at Salt Saltair air next net season Let Letus Letus us suggest Gest that a 0 repetition of or the tho cafe cao system of ot last year will vI hardly be he regarded as ns in tho lie nature of an Improvement ment There was a n place where a 0 man didn't have a 0 single cause of or complaint if It he had hac no objection to bad bail service serice prepared Illy-prepared ly food Coot negligent and amid insolent management an absence of napkins drinking drinking- water butter buter and ad bread brea with a sixty minute walt wait and Delmonico prices Anyone who was particular all about out those these few trifles rifles found Cound the cafe caCe an abomination every over lay w when won on there lucre was a a. crowd at Saltair And most Saltair days are arc that hint sort In summer |