Show fr I S l Ld i FAvOt-i T Tt t CRi fUR i. i WOMEN J. J DOCTORS DOCTOR'S ALL AGREE THIS TIME The not mot eminent on whose works are nrc consulted itS 3 of nil ell the different of 01 authorities and guides in prescribing by physicians practice extol in the most positive c t terms terras the curative virtues of each arid and Medical Discovery In fact every ingredient entering into Dr Pierces Pierce's Golden It is the thu only medicine put up for sale aIe through druggists for the cure of 01 all nil diseases dis dis- eases of the mucous surfaces as 3 nasal catarrh throat thront laryngeal and bronchial affections attended by lingering or on hang-on-coughs that has any uny such pro professional endorsement worth ort h more than any amount of lay or non professional testimonials Do not expect pec too urh uch from irom the use of Dr Pierces Pierce's Golden Medical Dis Dis- covery It will not riot wi we wj k k miracles It will not cure consumption in its advanced advanced advanced ad ad- stages No dic dicine ne N r is the If Discovery so 50 good for a n sudden attack of acute u ugh h h r t. t for the thc the lingering in erin obstinate ban on II con on hs he AC- AC c corn com throat I v a n r ial attention n q it n t efficacious ern m dv lv In cases In cases ses with wasting waiting o of flesh night sweats weak s B sj fn Ul rn r po Jr r digestion with fault faulty assimilation and which if f neg- neg lect o 0 badly of badly trea treaTed e ed arc are apt to lead to consumption the the Discovery Disco II has pros prO pro wonderfully successful in effecting cures Besides curing all the Iho above ailments the Golden Medical D Discovery scover Jq I a 1 specific for lor ase aM of or the mucous ClU membra i P ol 11 a arr r It Li f J t I lal 4 Liy II or I. I or Even in an en Us stages stags I a WI y I. I 1 to this ov o erel n remedy remedy remedy rem rem- edy If II Its ILl bo be use ue persevered cred In In Iii Chronic Catarrh of or the tho Nasal passages It Is well velI while taking the Golden okien DIscovery Discovery Dis DIs- covery ery for the necessary Dry ron Con treatment to cleanse the passages s 's freely two or three times limes a n day with Dr Sa Sages Sage's es e's Catarrh Remedy This thorough h course of treatment generally cures cure the worst I cases If you yon havo bitter or bad taste In the tho morning poor or variable appetite coated ton tongue foul Coul breath constipated or Irre Irregular Irro- Irro ular bowels eh eel evl weak WI easily tired despondent despondent des des- es- es frequent headaches pain or distress distress dis dis- dis tress In small of buck gnawing or distressed Waling feeling in stomach p perhaps nausea bitter or sour risings In throat after eating and I kindred n red symptoms of weak stomach and torpid liver no medicine medi cine clue will relIeve you vou more mor promptly or cure you OU more mom permanently titan than Doctor Golden Medical Discovery ery Perhaps Per Per- haps Imps only u n part of the tho above symptoms will bo ho at onetime time and present one ono yet ct point to torpid liver lI or biliousness and stomach Avoid all alt hot bread and biscuits biscuits bis his cults griddle cakes and other indigestible food and take tho the Golden GoMen Medical DI Discovery Dis DIs- er co covery regularly anti and stick s to Its use until you are arc vigorous and strong tron Foul impure blood can n bo ho mado made pure by hy tho the uso use of Dr Pierces Pierce's Golden Goldon Medical Discovery It CO and purifies tho the blood thereby curing pimples blotches eruptions aUl and anil other affections as eczema tetter or salt rheum h hives vet and anu other manifestations stat ons of Impure bloo blood In tho the euro cure of scrofulous swellings s en enlar enlarged enlarged en- en lar cd glands lands open eating ulcers or old sores the n Golden Gohl n Medical I t Discovery ery U ha performed the mot most marvelous cures In Incases Incases incases cases of old sores ors or open eating ulcers It Is well to apply to tho the open sores Dr All AIl Salve which pos nos- ros wonderful healing potency when u used cd as an nn application to t the tho o sores In conjunction conjunction con ron junction with the uso use of Golden Medical Discovery as as ag a n. blood cleansing treatment nt If your our druggist dont don't happen to lo have hayo the tho Healing All Salvo In stock stocIe you can easily procure procuro It by enclosing 51 four fly cents In postage stamps to Dr 11 Jt V. V Pierce Main St. St N. N Y Yo and arid it will come to you OU by return post Most dru druggists keep it as ss aswell well weil as the tiLe Golden Medical Discovery Not only tInes docs the tho wrapper of every bottlo of Dr D- PJ Pierces Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Discovery Dis Dis- covery tho the for we weak k I stomach torpid lIver or biliousness and andal al nl nfl catarrhal diseases es wherever located havo haVe printed upon It In plain English I a full and list of all the Ingredients eD composing it ft t. t but I a small book ook has h been wen compiled from numerous standard medical works worl of all the different schools of practice contain containing n ng very numerous extracts from Crom the the L leading practitioners of me cine oroS or g gIn fi hi Use re strongest possible i c ell ai as every ever ingredient contat ed e ed In D D U Pier S med medi d cines One of inese ese esc lilt little book books will be bo mailed free freo to ny one s sending address addres on postal rostal card r C orby y lett letter fetter o r. r o 0 Dr R. R RV V. V Pierce N N V. V 9 and re reo the same From th I book book It It will be learned I that D Iy I V e S rn m rn contain no r n agents or other poise so 10 s or Injurious agents and that they e lDa made e from native medicinal roots of or great gret value Some of the most mot valuable Ingredients contained In Dr Pierces Pierce's Favorite Proscription Proscription Pro Pro- on for lot wl weak k nervous nef worked over over n down russ nervous and d debilitated women employed long years 1 ago 0 by bv tho the Ind Indians rm for similar aliments ailments affectIng affect- affect trig Ing their squaws In fact fuet one ono of tho the most valuable medicinal plants entering Into tho the composition of Dr Pierces Pierce's Favorite Favorite Fa Pa- Prescription was known to the tho Indians as IU Squaw Our knowle knowledge knowl know e edge of tho the uses of not a few of our most I valuable native medicinal plants was gained gullied from the Indians As mado up by br Improved and processes processes pro pro- cesse tho the II Favorite Prescription Is a most efficient rem remedy dy for healing tion regulating all eli tho the womanly functions correcting corra dl displacements as sus version nine and r overcomIng overcoming over over- coming painful periods toning up the tho nerves C and bringing ln about a perfect t state of health Sold b by ull dealers In Iii n medicines Its It's an tn Insult Intuit to your jour our intelligence for fora a dealer to endeavor to palm oil olT upon you ou somo some nostrum of composition In place of Dr Pierces Pierce's world fumed medicines medicines medi medi- cines which are uro OF or KNOWN COMPOSt COMPOSt- TION TW Most lost dealers recommend Dr Pierces Pierce's medicines because o they know what they aro arc mado made of and that the In Ingredients in- in employed are aro among the most valuable that a medicine for Cor like 6 purposes can cnn bo be made of The Tho sarno same is truo true of leadIng leadIng lead- lead Ing lug physicians who do not heit hesitate to to recommend thc these su medicines since they tICY know lenaw exactly what tho they contain and that their III Ingredients the tho bt- bt best are aro ver very t known to medical science for Cor tho the cure curo of tho the several eral diseases for which thoy they are r rec rec- t. t With WHit tricky dealers It Is different Something else that pays them a greater proUt will be urged upon you as just as wod izod or oven even better You can hardly afford to accept a D. substitute of 01 1 and amI without any particular r record cord of cures cure In place of Dr Pierces Pierce's medicines which are arc OK K OW CO COMPOSITION an and havo have a n record of forty JOM of cures II behind heIsted them You know what you yon want and It Is tho the dealers dealer's bu business busi buel l- l nC ness Hess I to supply that want t. t 1st upon IL U. o A a I v S N XV GA RD N E ER R DAJ DA I LY RE N NI EW rl s I I It Is Easier to Save Than to Make I J JI r. r Scores of Suits in this Sale represent an actual saving to the buyer of from 12 to 20 a a No man can question that easier to save this amount now than to earn the difference s. s that would be necessary to purchase such values sixty days hence Worth thinking about isn't it I 11 A Fine Lot Stylish Well WeIl Made Suits worth g k 1 0 every cent at 1500 l OO 2000 2250 and 2500 25 1 0 I Ir I e. e r Choice of them now IE U SUCH FABRICS AS WORSTEDS CHEVIOTS CASHMERES g 1 I. I s. s s s s s ss ss ss t f S i 1 S Si 0 i |