Show PREDICT RAPID RISE IN J NEWHOUSE STOCK Yesterdays Yesterday's Advance Is Only Starter Says Local Talent Talent MINES MINE'S GREAT SHOWING Confident Confidently I Believed cd Performance of or Properly r to Bo no Reflected on Market In Newhouse Mines Smelters sold as high as 10 19 9 on 01 the local exchange yesterday yes yes- cs an and It is i sail said that 1950 was bid That hal there l ero I is a a great Hurry over Newhouse in local mining circles Isun is un undeniable It I Is believed that yesterdays yesterday's yesterdays yesterday's yes yes- advance is only tho the starting of a n spectacular ascent Many aNle are arc predicting le that the stock block will viiI wi soon pass lass Boston Consolidated which is islow isnow isnow now low soilIng selling around 30 That tho time in is not without good cause cuse Is evident from the time character of the remarks heard beard con- con concerning corning the property One mining man said sall yesterday a that time the tl Cactus would market during the he next thirty days das not less leS than titan worth of oC metal metal In Iii tho ho llo event that the themi mi could not be run at full ful capacity capa- capa cpa cpa- city l ity he ho said sid enough of or the class clas ore would be shipped to make malec up UI that amount Another declared that in an anarea area irea covered b by t twenty two wenty-t wenty 0 sets of oC timbers In the mine was blocked elt out oro ore that would run lun froth 7 to 27 per pcr percent percent cent in the tho red ret metaL metal Dividend rumors rumors rum ruin ors ar arc arp also alho In the thc air and ono one broker brok brok- er cr pointed out that a a. quarterly of or U. U 5 a share would equal 1 12 1 2 1 per cent on a valuation of oC 40 0 a i share for Cor tho the stock A well wel known mown mining engineer who was last week weel permitted t to examine the he Cactus In behalf of oC a number of stockholders Is quoted as saying Engineers Engineer's l Intimate of or MineI Mine Mimic I came to two positive conclusions after aCer having seen the plats plate of ut the workings and ass assays s 's as taken all al through the mine mine and anti after having spent considerable time ii underground ground with wIh Supt A A. D. D Moffat One is that the hu newer newel portion porton the eastern portion porton of or tho the mine has today in iii sight not less les than nan tons of ore that tat will wI easily average up to the standard claimed by President Samuel Newhouse New- New house namo namely close to 3 per pcr cent cop- cop pcr Tho The other conclusion Is that that with the he mill mi handling 1000 tons of oro per er erd d day Y the company can easily earn per er sharo share on its capital stuck stock There Theres Is s no buncomb in this this I am talking rom engineers engineer's standpoint and amid havo hao lavo made m de this r report to the l Interests ts tsa 1 was a sent t n to thc mine e to r represent nt The Time s Is Is' Is one ne of or the tho tho best equipped properties I ever saw sw Every provision has been made to tomIne tomine tomine mine anti and ant move the ores to the mIlIng mill mill- mIl mIl- lug Ing ng plant easily quickly and cheaply hen n a man witnesses the tho loading of ot 21 1 three cubic yard ard cars in less les than five minutes it I certainly speaks volumes for tho the genius and efficiency of oC the management |