Show I II I III t II PLAYS AND II la Paul aul iii Gilmore In Iii At tt t Yale If Jr there thelo is an anything in U l town that Paul wants and antI will lii kind kindly I indicate what It is anyone who was in iii the time audience At Yale last night will cheerfully get set It for Cor him hini and anti it around to his hotel For he lie won Salt SaH Lake and they tol told him so bo in tho timo th t an un actor never n misunderstands The They Timey made him come ome before the lie curtain in Iii a bathrobe bath robe rob and make one of oC the best curtain curtain cur cur- tam tain speeches ever heard on any stage And the tile handsome young oung fellow fresh flesh from froni his Ills victory victor over tho tIme Crimson crew pretty nearly nearh drowned his lila thanks in Iii his lila grateful g tears team Down at tho tIme good old Grand when the heroine triumphantly tells tes tho the thell villain vil vl- lain she scorns acorns his otTer offer of or gold old or when tho timo hero miraculously g gets ts off ofT the time track before the engine crashes across tho time stage tho the audience yells yes and amId whistles and amid yells cs again and fills nils the time place a a. pandemonium which Is blessedly precious to tio actor who has earned it it- But even tho the Gland never told lold an actor in louder tones that it HI liked ed him than tho time Salt I Lake lw patrons last night used in praising Paul an and his excellent company com corn pany In iii time the resurrected i Ado play At At Yale Va I e. e For It Jt Is resurrected It was a a. failure fail rall- uro ure at nt n a T st-T-a flat lint an and amId failure and Ovon D. a to think ho iso imil 1 i tv a. f i JI Io N lirt l suc succeeded ce cc d ded d In so many t things s that the time dump of lila hiM pet play pay acted like a a. cold o on him What has been done donetto tto to the thc lines line or to the time company pan we do donot donot o not I know linow no But nut At At Yalo Yale a. a as ur J no now presented pro pre IH is not a failure Ul and never c ct V bo be again It Is tho the very co essence of or success of life of ot youth of love anh ancI strength and tho time splendid triumph that is gor glorified with love Hero are time the principal people Cla Clayton ton Randall Jacks Jack's father Cather Mr r. r R. R A. A Dreese Breese Jack Randall Dicks Dick's room-mate room and anti chum Mr Mi 11 Clinton CIa Clay Dave Burley Durley substitute substitute-on on tho the crow crew Mr Mm- Henry It R. McClain Jim Tucker captain of or the tilo crew Mr William T. T Burdette Jimsey a II messenger boy Master Edward Edward Ed Ed- ward George I Gre Green n one ono of or tho crow Mr Ir Fred Fre Stott Dick Yale 05 Os stroke of or the crew Mr lr Paul Gilmore of tho the Yalo Crew Mr l Harold Har liar old Knowles Clancy Chancy sparring instructor Mr r. r William Will Will- lam iam Vaughn John Kennedy coach of crow Mr Ir Charles Osgood Dorothy Randall tho the girl In the case Miss Leona Lcona Ball Bali Mrs Clayton Randall Jacks Jack's mother Miss lIs helene Davenport Davenport- Polly Burke Durke Jacks Jack's sweetheart Miss June Jaime Stuart Stuart- S Manic Mamo Brady sister Miss Frances Scarth S Starting with Mr Clay and anti going oln down the line JIne It is fair fall to say that Dicks Dick's chum is good Mr in tho the unwelcome role rolo of villain is a afine fino fine actor with an appreciation of oC the demands of the tho part and amid the tile ability to perfectly perform the varying varying vary vary- ing lug shades of a n complicated cussedness cussedness' cussed- cussed ness ness' Edward J 1 as Is very neat near perfection Mr 1 Vaughn is all aU that one could ask asle of or Clancy Chancy Mr Ml Osgood a veteran is Courtney and rim grim old Bob Boh rolled Into one Mr tr Know Knowles s is a n. capital l coxswain One hm hardly ly expects superior acting in tho the women of such auch a play There Is so 80 mu much h hIm vim Im and masculine impulse impulse im Im- im- im pulse and general jubilation that the tle finN finer graces of legitimate it art could I bo ho omitted But Dut Miss Ball Dall does doeR not nod noti omit them She Is tho the dearest of oC young women impulsive proud Jealous Jeal jeal- ous insistent on her ideals and ideals and splendidly true Miss 2 Davenport Da and Miss Stuart arc are both good Miss lIss Scarth as ns Jane is Js as true truo to her own type as Is Miss lIss Ball Dall to hers hers hers- and anti I that exhausts all nIl praise Never mind the time plot Never mind the pin pa play Just go so It is the tile heartiest heart filling filing play that will be seen anywhere in years ears If It these seem too fervid statements It Is because you did not sit in Iq that lint magic house last ast night arid and see seo Yale ialo win the thc race see sec ce Marne Mame win her herway herway herway way to safety see seo Paul win In his imis bride For tho the air all was was' full of college yells and the spirit was lifted on the lie wings of or college collese songs And Andall Andall all the world word was WEtS young and amI true again again anti and worth while wIllie At Yale will be hero only onh this afternoon and tonight And it Jt cnn can cannot not get more than it deserves es I Next Week cek Promise I li ise Tho The announcement of or next weeks week's bill blU at the Orpheum gives promise of or ofa ofa ora a good one The Time attractions will bo be boThe boThe The Time Eight Vv Y sar sar Girls talented I clans vocalists and amid dancers Howard Howar and Howard the Hebrew messenger boy hoy and the time Thespian Wynne Winslow Wins Wins- low lois soprana Mario lario Yuill and Robert Boyd In A oIA Little Co Ed Jimmy Lucas the bo boy with a dozen dialects Sanderson and Bowman presenting Two Tio Theatre Tickets and tho the kino kino- drome diome I Grand Grain Theatre The American stage stase has hind had several Scandinavian Anglo-Scandinavian dramas comedy-dramas one or two very successful ones onCE notably notably not not- abl ably Yon You Yonson but In a ne new Swedish dialect pia play called Tilly Ol Olson Olson Ol- Ol son wh which Ich comes cornea to the time Grand three nights starting tonight a new departure de de- le- le has IRIS been made mado from all aU the plays pas 0 of this thus type Tho The author has written tho the play around tho the cen- cen contral ral figure of a young Swedish girl living JIving In America and has allowed tho the virtue anI and admirable qualities of the tIme masculine Scandinavian heretofore played upon so constantly to to pass without notice in this drama Tilly Is s a young oung Swedish girl Irl living ingo with witha a family of Minnesota farmer folk foik and amid obliged to earn eat her dally daily bread ly by jy serving Ing in a a. menial capacity She has been robbed o of her inheritance unknown to her and slaves for the tho very persons who havo have stolen her hem n Tho Time im housewife subjects helto her hel hero to o persecution but hut Tilly believes Inthe in inho ho time golden rule and antl when opportunity affords returns good for evil II Later In n the tho play pay she sho leaves eaves to seek seck her fortunes fortunes fortunes for for- tunes In ill the tho city There she Silo Is Instrumental in instrumental In- In in preventing the robbery of or a u bank hank and amid Is rewarded ded handsome handsome- Iy hy y b by the batik bank officials Zis Is sum aunt enables her to marry many her hr sweetheart a T. young oung Minnesota 1 larmer and anti purchase pur chase a modest farm Before tho the end of tho pu Pitt play Tilly's s 's property Is restored re- re stored to her hor and It is found that sho she Is s tho tile of or vast copper deposits and ind is rich nell b beyond yon her fondest dreams A fine quartette is employed All Allor of or the time scenery ha has been painted by 1 Moses l and amid Hamilton of the Broadway theatre Now Yo York l' l Ii The lamo namo part In Olson will bo be played by hy Miss 1 Adelaide Harland a n comedienne of or rare are merit A A strong company IV will I ii bo ho p provided Recital Tonight At the tho tabernacle tonight tho the much Clark Claric festival will be o given The Tho indications point to a successful concert from both artistic nn and viewpoints I rho Tho program pro pro- gram grain In Is an au altogether excellent one 1 and amid thero I IH iS marked Into Interest rest over tile the t st publics anc their ro- ro from Europe of or Mr and Miss Clark Clare both artists of or far moro more than linn local distinction Mr 11 McClellan Is ia s- s sto to net act ns nN accompanist an and In addS- addS lon t will play pin three numbers on the treat great reat organ whilo Prof Proto Stephens will conduct tho the choir Jn Sn its lt rendition oS of Eaton Salon beautiful Moonlight Moon Aloon light Ight melody Tho rho full tuU program is Js isas as follows to Lohen Great Groat Organ Prelude grin Wagner ug Mr 1 J. J J 3 McClellan a In lii en Mozart Mo 2110 b h Arise Yo Ye Subterranean Winds Henry Mr Ir Wilt- Wilt JIl ned ard a Der Dor Gaertner Kahn b A Maid Sings Light MacDow- MacDow cli c Chanson from Carmen Carmen Car Car- men Bizet Miss Arvilla Clark Curk Duct Autumn Song Mendelssohn Mr and Miss 1 Clark Moonlight l Eaton Fanning Tabernacle Tabernacle Taber Tuber nacle nacie Choir Choh a Tho Time Wanderer Schubert b PIff Pitt Puff purr from Die Meyerbeer Mr 1 Villard Wit Wll- lard Andelin Great Organ Oran In a Chant Sera Scra- b is by request Lomare Lo- Lo mare marc Mr J. J J J. McClellan I Los Le Adieux from Crom Joanne d dAre dArc rc Miss 1 Clark Duet Duct Oh Wert Verl Thou in iii the Blast Mendelssohn l Mr 2111 and Miss Clark |