Show 3 X WERE IN A HURRY whenever we arc are asked to do a job iob of hauling we yve get et to it js as quickly as possible extreme care in handling household freight hauling for merchants our specialty EMPEY TRANSFER GO CO rhomb CARL GARL empei pro prop P la 35 t F r as 4 h PRICE BOWLING ALLEY IS OPEN UNDER postoffice POST OFFICE h ladies and gentlemen are NV welcome elcome special hours for ladles ladies tuesday and saturday afternoons from 2 to tc 5 cigars and soft drinks on sale clean and up lo to date asi phone 62 and we will take care of your printing need needs the News advocate Advocat WANTED TEAMS teams wanted for work on county count y roads jn in spring canyon A AE E C IBSON GIBSON county commissioner storrs utah UIA 4 01 0 7 1 go good enough plows are plowing this season the fact that more th blutt n GOOD EN ENOUGH murii gang end sulley ilow are vor working king thi this seaport is proof that the must ee gie the eveatt degree of an fn the number 2 texas good ei enough plow athe dell de 9 ked ned and built to meet the special requite requirements ments of the heldi of few texas and r S m thern states it is simple in lit construction my eay to to operate wondern uly ily 01 fl and has a remarkably light draft fht the 5 and the ottom are ill all interact anee ange able and the construction it is such that thu this ilow now Is n under pil e bontol at ill all FARMERS ANO IMPLEMENT 1 COMPANY hon 1 price pric eutah utah NOTICE OF SALE I 1 carb it watt r land aid ait ani I 1 power powe com lany a 1 nation of 0 principal place ot of anine 8 prie arif caria 1 n tou fount tit utah ICI ilithe hit re BIH dilan im nt upon the allow ing in do crib I 1 atoa in n account of at enit beld on oil the lotti ilay day of 0 A april p r 1 1919 th i si iveral amounts sit si t op cosite tho the nt of thu tho repp crip attie holders aa a follo follow wt nit ni it e N 0 no y Aino cn C rt k rank 1 rutn 7 21 8 I 1 ff jan jail es clark 10 1 1 9 CO ir dr robt rt it hamilton 1 I 1 40 tu 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advocate tte GETRICH GET RICH SPECULA TION 0 r ff A N af BANK YOUR MONEY 0 4 V 7 I 1 0 V many many good honest men have worked hard and piled up tip a little fortune and then all at once LOST LOT all ml they had by just ONE foolish investment 13 the following appeared recently in the newspapers evs papers 1 4 about a esy prominent man who died his mer velos 1 lu 1 n 1 ui J liali him pious ft aue time til to I 1 yata rl a a millionaire be die diel 1 ul 4 M il it hi fortune ha ap in I 1 llan s peculate loud U make OUR bank YOUR bank wo we pay ilay I 1 par comil interest oil ou time tinie DeVOIN first national bank of price A TELEPHONE IS A NECESSITY if you are to get the most money out of your form you geed reed a telephone to co keep you lr in con stant touch wibb the nark ets and ard enable you to sell where and ard when te the prices pric is are best besides the telephone te pua puts s everyone within sourd of your voice it gets the doctor for you quickly gives orders to tle store ke e per lets you talk to faraway far away friends calls help when you need jit it in a hurry gives to your famely famil yand and baals ps loneliness j if these reasons for having a telephone bone appeal to you then basure to find out how little it will cost you to have us put in one of these telephones you can TALK T A L K 1 EASTERN UTAH TELEPHONE CO 60 SPRING CANYON COAL COMPANY IV miners and shipper shippen of the celebrated spring d canyon coal erss at st storrs utah general office building salt lake city utah united states fuel bet company operating Ope ratin mines at MOHRLAND HIAWATHA TV BLACK HAWK and PANTHER R capacity toris daily |