Show 1 4 MEMORIAL DAY DAVA TO BE OBSERVED RS ER tv ED price will fittingly observe blem 0 alil day tomorrow through the J 41 efforts effort 3 of the rane p 0 Sor stores will ate f close closed from 14 noon to it ele til 0 G anda anks program f wl where will ill at city park the day has not bad had ciuch prominence til id price in the past on account of the almost total absence of any civil war veterans but this year it takes on 0 new meaning on account of the sacrifices I 1 h the great world war price and carbon county need acknowledge no other section us surpassing them in loyalty and patriotism during the forenoon those elt ilens who have loved ones buried in city cemetery will gather to clean and beautify that spot those who have no special plot to look after will be assigned to portions which would not be otherwise cared for one civil war one young maii man whose life was sacrificed la in the world ar are burled in price all soldiers are asked iq q gather at city park at 2 30 dilday afternoon 4 to be assigned her heir part in the days I 1 program mayor wootton will have charge of 0 the vertices of the afternoon noon S A olsen and hia his boy seoul Scouts having charge of getting the seating arranged and a plat platform forni and piano plano ready tha general public Is tak ing a deep interest in the plans for the day and it promises to be one long to be remembered |