Show manufacturers WILL VILL FEED UTAH EDITORS ON UTAH MADE GRUB plans for boosting the use of utah made go kids ds by utah people and anti greatly increasing the demand for these goods will be completed next monday in salt lake when the utah press association is the guest of the utah manufacturers dissociation Ss Is at a a luncheon of utah products the quality quality of r raw aw product la ii not excelled excel ltd and her factories are sanitary and modern it is therefore a matter of course coarse that her manufactured products ire are of the highest grade no elaborate program iram for ak sa this fact t tc the peari the slate state has lims P fer per er been carried a and the home market for home has s never been what it should should have been the camp advertising and boosting o 0 III the character of the roods goods inalle n 1 utah strongly home to home and aid a rapidly increasing deman demanda df 4 these roods goods I 1 A a 0 matter of the people of carbon county ah watch te e columns of the nexia A foi for information about tta goods |