Show A BOUT YOU ANO YOUR ground was broken this week foe fog the new home of mayor george wootton next to the stein residence A L ile eppler II ia is in the city from froin salt lake this week for the firby time in several months wae djs mrs N E haj ha from roin a stay of several weeks in Arre american rican furk or aad d salt lake W 88 sheriff lee howard of emer county spent yesterday with sheriff kelter on official business W ga dill dol van wagoner waa was over from Sunny sunnyside side tuesday but be he insisted insi steil chat that he had no new sulk suit under his fils hat at w SA W J emigholz played ch chauffeur for his wife and mrs W 11 II cash bash on a shopping trip from Sunny sunnyside side tuesday a w H g mat gilmour is now driving ili iving a hudson judson kupet six he ile has bad had the fever for a long time and finally sue climbed was it R Parick spent monday and tuesday in a the courty eat seat lie ile would not admit any specially important mission w 88 A large variety of D M C pack ace age goods thread and embroidery cotton at blite hite millinery corpany coni con pany w 88 a lewis evans is confined tu to his home with the smallpox he ile brought it home horne from one of hs his auto trips w ss S horsley will motor to salt lake the ast of the week to bo be present for the opening of conference W waa wa aa a seamon A Gold ingard mrs vance both well known residents of wellington have been granted eran teil a license to wed v kimie E bernardi was c aled to silt lake monday by the serious condition of mrs frank grosso mis its bernardis mother M mss a frank hyde and family prominent in the of bluff stopped at tic tho savoy tuesday night on he heir r vday by auto to bait salt lake john of peerless and calliope leonoudakis Leonon dakis of S standard tan dard ville were g granted ranted a marriage license this week WEIS father Giovann giovannoni ont went to salt lake sunday evening to be with crank grosso during the belious u op ration performed on mrs grosso a arnel S milner returned soldier son of george milner of wellington and peati hamblin of the same town cecur secured d a marriage license this week both are active in the social life of their home town W with railroad fare reduced to one and one third the regular rate for the round trip scores are planning to go to conference and the meetings incident to it carbon county will be well represented W y AS kofl the ibes S C miles family Is preparing to move to california to remain in definitely they have been in price so long that they were consid considered cred fixtures aej hundreds of friends will regret their leaving w ss kenilworth la Is preparing to work every day according to frank dolinsky who ho was a news advocate caller tuesday frank states that a call rall has gone out for 60 50 diggers who are promised steady work ass axy william peterson geologist rf of the state agricultural college who has been checking land values in this vicinity for the state board of equalization has finished his work here for the present and returned to bogac tuesday evening W ass SS 11 II W millburn has filed suit against william greaser for the return retura of a one and one quarter carat diamond baid to be worth the complaint alleges that the defendant was given custody of the diamond in 1916 damages to the amount of 1250 2 are also asked IV t S mr L A mcgee will leave this evening for aalt alt like lake to remain 10 days during the festivities in con nedion with the commencement exercises of if rowland hall from which miss jane mcgee graduates next week mr mcgee will go to salt eake tuesday W asa sa A car of oaklands Oak lands arrived for the price garage saturday and they were all gone before the wrappings were ot off dr E it murphy of winter quarters drove one of them home another car of oaklands Oak lands and Over lands isanthe is on the way but anyone wanting one had better set get his deposit down to hod it |