Show cot public confidence lithe the roost ost asset of 0 this bank institution say ny has yd the confidence of the public and its growth has been the result of that cadence coupled with the elou Us intelligent and un whai efforts ort of 0 those who have 9 administered its aff urs ile Itt depo tor ors too have con largely by their influence on it is equipped to do all i branches branch Cs of 0 legitimate banking and in ites your business savi qs bank price utah in THOMAS thoad AS attorney at law room 6 and 7 building PRICE UTAH L A mcgee attorney at law block price utah B W DALTON lawyer upstairs first door cast tast of first national bank entrance PRICE UTAH C S PRICE P At attorney torny at law low 4 10 lick uth aria and nd truit trust ut L like ke cily oty with THOMAS FOUTS price hutsn ALEXANDER AND counselors COUISE LORS IT LAW BUILDING ri RG E UTAH OLIVER K CLAY attorney at lan law office at courthouse Coun hou price utah of A KINO KING it P kg R 0 W 1110 BRIFFET ind and attorneys Ai torne at lw low will bu id 1 9 at I 1 ake qty uth tm T m he ha 1 I 1 build n p price alb F F FISK i 1 fields and surgeon PRICE UTAH DR UR 0 T ROSE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 1 ilk I ICE IN BUILDING pite ce utah branford bU DR SANFORD ANFORD BALLIN GEft DENTIST lir rm tl MISS leila margaret ciul TEACHER OF PIANO studio at the reside residence alce of geoe mr geor e Fau fausett self saturdays ajo you want it hauled ight and heavy hauling luling and of freight for merchants is our out bunness serice is our motto prompt It intention en tion to all order orders empey transfer co jb phone carl empey prop come aria inspect our new line of sprier millinery elite millinery co W 33 A good line of bodart corsets at elite millinery compary H 33 oodles of pepper in the latest war songs hear them on a columbia at iw W ss 8 S 1 1 ii just received at bum ners a large shipment of columbia latest records w ss have you heard the columbia may records 9 call at sumner s and hear them ass the bowline bowling alley under the postoffice post office will aill agte prizes every emery i two to t o weeks beeks for the highest score gentlemen si ts prize sa in cash aladits prize large box of canco lites come down and enjoy yourself at the price bowling alley ah TIME TABLE denier rio grande no 4 for or franj junction and 2 02 P bf so no 3 2 for grand junction and denver 9 45 11 at no 0 o 1 ils tor or bun nitle if OU 00 A ni no I 1 lor for salt I 1 ak and andO deb 7 15 A no Ifor 3 for salt lake and 5 15 P na M no 4 er 3 35 45 PM P nt ink wela pen racks poncil c clips Ps note boks etc at the news cate office 3 i i I 1 THE JL HOME OF 0 F G 0 0 D FLOUR F L 0 st tip tl i p top turkey red j Se em molino the best in the land HAY RAIN f x X 4 one pound or a car carload load IN 0 best service best prices I 1 PRICE commission CO united baates food administration PHON license no G PRICE UTAH A follies cafe where everybody eats special noon lunch 50 cents big 1 sunday dinner din ner 4 4 44 0 first class meals from 7 A M to 9 P M DANCING AND MUSIC EV ERY NIGHT bring your friends to j 4 THE T H FOLLIES FOLL I 1 E ea PRICE UTAH 0 4 SH S A show Us the girl who does not N t like a variety of ribbons 1 in her wardrobe S 4 k find them here in a gr riot of shades and on an endless variety of widths wib 5 ones for sashes the proper X t thing this amir and narrow onea u for suitable purposes you cant make a mistake in laying in a supply the girl or woman who sews cai caa have in elaborate wardrobe at small cost coit by choosing from our piece goodding goods good sing ging hams organdies orlandies org andies dresden chiffons challies and ind all the latest weaves eaves m summer wear for all ages and se sexes ces in gre great it array V wasatch store company 4 inspection always invited winter quarters sunnyside Sunny side CIZ clear cizar ar creek castle gate CIT I 1 an |