Show fw I 1 from our correspondents I 1 SUNNYSIDE BEAMS JE sunnyside Sunny side may 27 the program eiven given by the pupils of or the ath grade gr ade was well attended atten dod d the binders m of the class were ere is 13 follows john hopkinson pearl naylor leonard mcdonald amy aray crawford letha taylor fred jones mattie cowap jess HiEK insoo gilbert pearson and walter desetto the auditorium was decorated in the class cobots purple and gold and each member carried i bouquet of carnation taylor and finally craff ford ord and family left for idaho fah where they expect to locate permanently manent met ly mr me and mr stanley harvey are the proud parents of a baby girl born on friday may 23 mrs seth thomas was ho hostess stes to a party riven given in honor of fred jones last saturday evening the evening was spent in recreation and games an elabu ate two course luncheon was served mt ses Ua margaret rgaret and catherine whiting left sunnyside Sunny side for their home at mapleton last sunday miss lydia horsley loa taylor and miss dorothy bennett also left the luau rous teachers cottage for their respective homes mrs james westfield and son leave this week for a few weeks visit in the capitol city born to mr and mrs chude claude cowley a flaugher ciau gher on may 22 mrs clara is planning to attend the summer session of the university of utah misses margarat whiting and lydia horsley will attend summer school at the L D S university A birthday party was given for miss winifred harvey by her parents at her home on monday evening last the little son of james naylor has been een quite ill III during the past week mrs dr dowd returned to sunny side sunday from halt lake the PIL pictures tures for the sunnyside Sunny side schools have arrived they consist of nineteen sepia prints of the world a masterpieces about has aas been tx expended for the pictures CASTLE GATE BATE CLICKS castle gate may blay 26 castle gate school closed fri may A close starvey survey of the work cov comred ared joy y the various departments shows that thru the united efforts of teachers and pupils very little could have been lost ly ty the schools being closed during the influenza os bas it being impossible to obtain tl th company amusement hall at castle gate for friday night the eighth grade closing exercises were held beld Thurs thursday da evening ahe rendi tion of the de claas 1 songs tae piano selection and the valedictory were received with hearty applause and high comment from the large audience dr McDer address to the graduates and the people of cast castle e gate will increase next year the enrollment roll Toll ment from castle gate in the carbon county high or other high schools of this state several who at present are working for the company were heard beard to say sly next year will find me we in the little ehret adf ac n play jay jumbo jum was an entertainment itself for an entire evening careful study of the tile characters represented caused it to be rendered in a very appreciative app manner and brought many limes times a bea hearty arty applause drori the OW audience following Is the program and cast of characters class song hustle up seventh grade valedictory minnie formento piano selection flower sone song ann address add ress to Graduates Dr SIc alo Dermid commencement song tenting conigl seventh and eighth grades jumbo jum ju jumbo jum a darker aho does just what bat eels is told daniel Dx acl morrison Morri soh mr ur adelaide Adel aides a g 1 urdan john stall stagg mr cheatem ao unscrupulous welber hardy henry ile n ry mernie Her rile lover lswrence lawrence thomas adelaide Ade bide in loe love jtb Ilen henry rj loretta rudeen mr MN Gobble Gobb letor too drowned but very j much alite alive evelyb edman hannah Hain nah Gobble tens tons servant ann anu laborers Lib orera three men with live bands hands following are the names of the daniel morrison Morn soo john stagg evelyn eselyn edman minnie fo foi mento welber hardy lawrence thonia thomal loretta rudeen and ann |