Show NATIONAL i PARTY P MILLION MARK notional national Re the ra pi rai i dionn 1 I republican party weekly pub abbed tt v t washington has now ex tx ten ceil its it is announced to ninety per cent of all the counties in the country countr and the circulation is growing at such suh a rapid itte rate that the hope of party leaders for a aillinn roil llin circulation foi thia this national mouthpiece of republican op opinion laton bids fair to be rea realized bLed the national republican sued at the center of rational events prints each week a comprehensive condensed review of the happenings happ ellings I 1 bracing bearing upon national and world politics gives i k survey of newspaper and personal opinion on public iss u prints the important addresses and statements of political bear in e covers weekly the debates and proceedings of congress con giess while in bession and la Is 6 sort of continuous handbook hind book of polities politics and public I 1 ahe he la Is unique in li journalism and has proved imn immensely ensely pc popular the reader who wishes t to keep e up p on politics cin cn find obe m burn no n better t te r medium e d for that purpose ahe national notional republican is pub lis lishe heland dand act actively lely supported by rt lit publican nationiel nati nation onil il leaders not us ri a financial 6 caal venturie ven tuie tule mt t as a means of political info and education deemed especially essential althis at this time timer rien benthe the general ch channel anneli of information are so completely commanded by the party in power ll 11 eames no advertising despite its large notional nit ional circulation it prints weekly some words of news and comment the subscription price is one dollar per year the national republican may be had bid in combination with this piper the combination price being a year |