Show MARCUSEN THANKS THAN aw HISTO WORKERS DIU the news advocate is very v ery proud 71 of a medal received from chairman 1 C R aj marcusen in the lecorn atoo of the email small part this paper has been 1 1 able to play in the work of raising the liberty loan quotas in this 4 1 11 l county the medal is made frota from a german grman cannon captured in the t argonne fost mr marcusen bvm m meeds aads the press highly for ua its work in assisting hita 1 the gospel of victory through financial lipport vip port in to the support given i him from various sources mr blarcum sen write writes v you may say through your columns column 3 that so responsive have committee men and nd women been to roy my every request that though turf f burdens of campaigns at times seemed more i than I 1 could bear that they were a strength in roy my hour 0 need bink 14 4 officers I 1 commend f fir r prompt it efficient service tl I 1 shall cherish the relationship j w with ith them is one 1 I the molt J pleasant of my life I 1 am proud of tue citi citizens zent fi of icar 11 bon county who bought bonds 46 0 r a libe liberally raly lil shy y alty and 1 ness leward them for their and sacrifices A |