Show BANK OPEN MONDAY edwin butterfield cashier of the new carbon county bank rived a in price from salt lake the first of the week and ie Is lining things up to open the bank for business OD on monday hirning of next week the temporary quarters alu be in the south room of the jl building buil dinc no big fobish will be made at this time work will ill begin soon on the 0 anold JId building buil dine the bank is to erect next the ahki theatre no local em ploce have ocen selected and mr butterfield Butter fidd will work without asala tance for the present A J le loe has brought suit against j james es Poli hrones to compel the completion of the bale sile ot 0 the 30 fe fert fet t east of the lot lexi next the turner build ins int bought from E 11 arton ton by R 1 I turner lee claims that a contract vas as entered into and was paid down the balance to be pad within 30 days when the ked warf wad delivered he lie its a ready to pa the balance but connot c eel get the ded |