Show WORLD WAR YE WILL ORGAN A gathering w which elgh will be of jil terest to the returned soldier boy boys a nd d of or great important ao e stal stale jil be that in salt lake at tabernacle on june 4 and 5 of so soldiers solders eligible for or membership Q american Legi legion oll this is ohp organ lotion formed at st louis debs weeks ago fco to be composed of pf w who ho were n u the military aval service er of the antte 1 between apil ap il 0 1917 ana nov 11 except ehlt whose separation from the service amounted dishonorable discharge will not be admitted to membership the purpose of the first gu will be to follow out the recommendations of the st louis convention in lie ap atiniz of temporary officers ficera of and an executive committee which shall the authority t co incorporate a state organization and anc issue charters to posts over the state which have lave an in application for 16 15 or more membership the june gathering gat henne will pave the way for a proper state conven tj afoo an with representatives from all the te posts in october the national will convene in minneapolis p olis on NOT nov 1 to complete its organization and the bandine banding together of the various state organizations in order to haqq ha a basis it is suggested by the present presen t executive committee named in salt lake several weeks weela a ago go that each county have alree votes for every men who entered the service from that dat county such an arrangement would give carbon county much influence in the preliminary organization and some of the boys should get together at once to arrange for sending in several delegates every man eligible for membership will bare have a voice on the floor of the convention but only those delegated to rp represent resent the county can have a vote tote the news advocate predicts that when the thousands 0 soldiers sol w iao tn 0 wn w went n t from utah arebell are well organized into 0 a 4 working body boal and ad take up the campaign for america americanism cism that the bolshevik the anarchists and the 1 L W W s will find the state entirely too hot for their comfort |