Show SHERIFFS SALE in ill hm DI brict court of carbon couty coulst state of utah V V fahlk 1 plaintiff Y s liar a piro isalo and ci euillia I 1 calvn alvo defendant defend alltA to be sold at sheriff to on tin the TO day of 0 june A 1 1919 at 2 I 1 at at tile front door of 0 th ill chinti ili I 1 prito larlan counts count the following jo colbi crl bi it pape l situate siti sate I 1 in ili ceilon cuil nty tali to wit II 11 ginning al a west ami W iu fl f l forth 15 degro wt tile mi cortier of u in 11 13 13 1 auth rano rane 0 9 eat at of the tile sail salt lake meridian north 15 dagret 1 pt a distance of ot 70 ff hect et chiu debt 1 30 feet eel ti to ali tho center fl iannel of price thrice in lit a southerly direk tion down th tho alner a distinct dis of 0 to 70 f et morn or lo 10 1 to a cartain point ilu wi wt et at ot of the 11 pant ant ut of t tl th nee rat vat va t a 41 canoe ta tan noe e 0 of 10 feet binom 0 at ln to tl to ilia tile pol fit of 0 bogl filling I 1 alzo 1 beginning at a point te elt a and n 1165 foat wt north it V I 1 degroen want an all I 1 19 fet irth 2 wert tile southeast sou theat 4 orner of unction 11 township ll 11 emuth latigo 1 9 ml a bittof the tho allt lake lak Ater illan tin icu acu north 2 esta of 0 88 S t thence wt i 10 5 1 ft 4 et more or 18 it so to tin the centi r cha chatiner tinel of price idt r thence aly 4 dit tance of 0 hg feet to a poll point atu ali point of thence it A of 1015 feet dioro or lac less lo 10 pile of beg fulling alo aio an undivided ono halt Inter tiit lit in fit th taft fol lowin beginning ailt it a point foot wert welt of tile southam t lorner 13 I 1 town hip 13 isi sauth of ofra bangt riKi U fastoff list of the salt I 1 djiko ako alert flan ill tin ns nm 0 guntang gionti 15 1 dagres we wt at 50 get act there due in west to confer of 0 maii chavrid 1 of irice price river a if t about 1301 it t morn mom or les 11 le s 0 so o it lierly to a point datt bof A 4 t of tin the ditc of lilt if arx W ft nore inore or les cat eat ca ea t to tile I 1 lac ne of datoc ANY lath 1919 I 1 ML lIlt cherill of carbon county utah I 1 ir rt t p 1 it 11 may li 15 lat last I 1 laih isho 5 |