Show 0 makes such biscuits just let smother call biscuits for treat that cau t be beat in tore for u light te tr biscuits aromi all up mth goodwi essl for morhet is sure of her baking foider calami t jhc aicer disappoints its because CALUMET KI P BAKING POWDER biever disappoints her NOT HAM BY THE TO its results try it cont dris such u have been b the U S roal auth ties you save when you buy it you save when you use it QUALITY ING qan top S LT PA KINGe P cf ri aga NOTICE 1 ladies and gentlemen we hae employed C W mccorkle a epert hat man and ire are now able to gle ie ou superior service servile in cleaning and blocking h hats ats we are doing doin the big lest est business lus mess in cleaning presan pressing d and repairing that e have hae ever done we h ive been compelled to se ure additional help to insure prompt service servile bring us your work woric dont forget when you need a new suit that we are inthe in the taiL tailoring orind business and can hive give you lou the most for your money ACME CLEANERS TAILORS 11 NY k na N MIN I 1 tor pric utah S SAVE A ara YOUR SAVINGS put your libert bond boni lilt interest crest into war savings stamps 1 I head read he the following telegram sent recently to ail war savings I 1 workers by the state director ard follow it america s great pay day may 15 is again pay day in US U S A in liberty bond interest will then be paid to the american p ople ir if every bond horid I 1 older clips his hi interest coupon and exchanges them for may war saving stamps at post office or bank thi this vill vall v ill grow to in 1924 get your share every in in war saving savings stamps will amount to 5 keep your dollars growing garbon carbon emery stores co mohrland mere go coo stores store s at hiawatha black hawk mohrland 0 wl n 1 I H herier wn e r big line of 0 inka inks in ill sized bottles j at the rew 4 advocate besl nothing N 0 hip n g nicer nice r there is no belter better way to treat your dour friends than to bring them to our soda fountain oun tain for a cool refreshing freshing ic drink ice cream crean ioda toda or any of the more move elaborate concoctions concoct ions our experts can please any asle te we use only the purest of in ingredients and keep pery everything thin 6 about out our OUT fountain oun in in a most sanitary condition while enjoying our fountain service ask to hear the latr 11 it edison records we always t ze have hane a new supply on hand price drug the rexall store things f 15 with matij h wings will toon soon be buzzing around and making life lif miserable for those who haven t their home homes fitted with screen door doors windows window sand and porches As a comfort and temper keeper what other one thing can you name that beats screens tc reens there s a lot of other things one can do without in the summer but the man or woman oman who puts up wan with a lot of tormenting file and mosquitoes is a martyr indeed and there theries s really no need of it for at the price we are making on cens of all kinds every mother s son of us can afford to protect our families this way glad to give give you estimates any lime time you 11 ll drop in stevenson lum ber co PHONE I 1 I 1 I 1 PRIM UTAH 1 4 vill I 1 1 I 1 it 9 I 1 R I 1 it ill ill I 1 I 1 I 1 V M F i balk ALK about smokes prince albert lit 1 JL is geared to a joy handout standard lit that ji it 1 lavishes on every man game trough rough tomake a bee line for a tidy red tin and a jimmy pape old or new 1 get it straight that vict youve hank hankered erLd for in im pipe or cigarette makins emogen find aplenty in P A P A has lias the quality ityl you cant any more make prince albert bile your tongue or parch your throat thai you can cian make take a horse dank when hes off the water I 1 bite and parth are cut out by our exclusive patented process you just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why irs ambill you idail a lection in the P A longer than you corre to remember back I 1 i ny prince albart everywhere tobacco I 1 s fold sold toppy red baff bogs luy tidy fd red tins handsome han diome pound and half pound tin hum humidor dors sami ad that dever practical pound crystal akase humidor bah sponge moistener mou tener top that keep keeps the th tobacco in such perfect conA iun a cc R J reynolds tobacco co winston salem N C |