Show WILL GIVE WEEK TO BOY SCOUTS june 8 to 14 has bai been proclaimed pro chimed for boy scout week by pea ilson nd all over the chantry a canman S agn a behalf of the poy scouts scout s W bijl I 1 be conducted th tha object will e to assoni associate I 1 i ambers embers abill each the he money goins going lt udea expenses of f carrying on boy scout work L E 3 whitmore Whit inore ha been leen named to have bave charge of the work here and he rill will have a large committee to assist him ilm there are now 35 scouts in price rice the older being in chirgo of C 11 II madsen scoutmaster and the younger ones in charge of S A 01 e en assistant scout scoutmaster mister there several boys who an are working to become iacome scouts who have not yet passed assed the tenderfoot test the council consists of oscar hanion ion dr 11 II B goetzmann A burge ner oraon orson ryan ana W E stoker there are many scout organizations ovee ver the county helper having one ol 01 if the largest and best organizations in n the state further details of the campaign sampa ign and the scout work ork will be given next week |