Show SAW HIS PAL KILLED guiseppe Gur sacca of kenilworth and attilo of hiawatha were t twi wj of the soldiers to arrive home this week they were in the looch h infantry and were in n the thick of the fight at argonne for many days was a close friend of jim albo of helper in the army and rid was tesa less than two feet from jim when he wag was struck by a german aerman bomb the boys state that it was not unusual for the g amans to approach tham crying kamerad with hande hands uplifted but all the while working ma alne t guns in the grass with their feyt not mowing wowing down the allitt an other arrival tuesday was vito perris 0 ol 01 sunnyside Sunny side who saw some severe svere s vere fighting figh tine latest word from mrs frank grosso rosso who underwent an operation monday for the removal of tumors along her spine fa 13 hat she Is ine ing as rapidly as could be reasonably ex her many migny friends here are glad shaf the operation was so successful and hope that she will be fully restored to health have beca been made pheroby all those who roc eved elved victory loin medals made from german cennon may take them to tolt it E 11 moss at the elite jewelry store stora and have them fittingly engraved with the name of the recipient it adda adds muth to the appearance and to value of the medal |