Show ADF SCHOOL IS CLOSED C FOR yearl YEAR last friday vas was a red letter day for the boys and girls of our school first it marked the dosing of a sue suc lessal leesul year to most of them and secor adly it was as made the bocc ision islon of one of tie happiest times ever carried on by a community of kiddies students tR assembled in their at the usual time to receive their cards nod eburn home bome to tell the folk at ten thirty we formed a procession and marched to the city park upon V there we as ambled as us a large farally and ate our luncheons after ellch the order of the be dy was sports of various kinds kind R the greatest laughter was provoked when we witnessed the hand handicap icae boxing contest und the molasses nickle speed races atho these were but a few of tho many borit s enjoyed when the proper time acme an interesting program tilled its place of enjoyment while the children ani some visitors listened with keen pleasure to thelt comrades Lom rades render their part aa 1 I he central idea of the program was that it glow out of the work of the school and crould not consume extra time in preparation kach room was represented either individually or collectively and those who ho beard heard pronounced the program an entire success next came the time for the ball dates the grade teams above the third defended the honor of their rooms the sixth A grade being belaz the victors the sixth U B and fifth B not much enthusiasm wa created when bichle races were announced because most of the crowd was pre paring for the final event the sixth high trade grade led by S A olson challenged the othor oth r trade led by principio Princ madsen to a tug of war across the canal altho it was late in the afternoon scores of people w witnessed the event twice the rope rove broke but so confident waa was each aide side of ultimate victory that a new rope hau hall to be cured by tossing up a coin mr side sider drew the tower side ef the canal mr st john joba acting as its judge how did it come autv out the sixth B grade are telling no ales but it was noticeable that they left for home not very in need of a bath for them at least a damp climax to a perfect day |