Show 6 I 1 f S e J driver it river I 1 whan men the colorado burat rot ita its banks and a 6 flooded the imperial f S valley if california fi romia a 0 6 6 axy tf 11 p EDNAH AIKEM AIKEN I 1 S P F quo mass a sess a bab C cr 6 Y 11 SYNOPSIS CHAPTER IK IX I K X C rickart an engl nl neer of the aria airland Oi rland n d is I 1 calle I 1 t to the office of I 1 Mori hall in diio son on aels arl casey im I 1 in an oi nl llaina uina to the of office forre force he wear duila dui clothe clothes but tr he I 1 ad resigned re ened a chair of ot on ginor ing ln in th III fast I mt to so on the r ad as a a fireman an I 1 his hi pron fotion had been phoc pec hll altink tor for marshall nick ick ard ar ariail reads is report on the th ravages ot f the th colorado te the forts or of thorn thomas alardin of tl it 0 dett C pony ihl hal half been boen is student under It ickard and hal hai married gerty with whom had fanchea b S wa 4 ID in lov it U it ll Marhall tel i the th overia oarland net hn ban prot to step in to move v the tr imperial valley and 0 end him ti ta the break nickard rickard decline bf bo cause he don does not want to supplant nardin lout but to I 1 won over stop the ati river damn the expense says ar marshall hl 1111 journey lo 10 sros the tho irritated irrigated desert arid and learna arnu much about hardin and his work SA S A i V m neel mr nd arm mra fraedin ana nit innee innes hardin 1 bardin 1 a 11 halt if sitter disappointed in her huba aija lot an coquette mm irs hardin sets her rap cap for lier liar former sor ver y in n din dinar 1 ajr I 1 AP annj Q V arkard vi its the coma r y 1 0 t fl c e on and taken control rol he lie finds fh the 1 0 e nj aln p e r s loyal tu to liardon and boa ho tile to him aurada furada a dext an aon son of the th 1 ainther I 1 arthr of the imperial vally tells him of the general Kt iral altu atlon VI vl nickard attend a inic of thi the director an na rl hi mull 0 01 y afar 1 lin rages thi k rd of h hi m to rb that it UK work will all I 1 ca 1 t ste lt it hea 11 1 MT NIT inne innes in Is discovered in il her or garden she rho trios to cheer up ll ardin w who 1 0 la against zi arar ann I 1 I 1 rt iii s A amini luncheon ot 01 the Ilar dUi vi c if chross on thru chiat tl IX lix carom dovers a cover this th rickard is I 1 blannin pl annin a Is lovee to u protect caleico ico and put puts him down an as detent I 1 arty thin think ka her bar lord jealous jn iniba line arly raiq tiie next 11 at acom could heir he ir gerty teasing tout tom to wear ear his tux ado one dude clough for you youl growled her purly surly lord innel lecog nihed tho mood nc on 1 shrank shrunk from the ordeals ahad ad it was the tile of the tile alardin in tho the son ton of his front frontier ler rioth r the fruit of 0 old jasper uli gli who to smithy had bad been pe 4 for the wildest boughs ro ustis the berrest in fit Bliss missouri ourt r il let him you know ahat at eien if t ne e do live like impales si te ve ansi spir to that wa vias another growl innes could hear hlin him dragging 1 out the process over eat each it detail that confounded laundry laundr had torn his shirt he lie hadn haan t a decent collar to ills name narue inhere bere was his black string tie if gort cort would beep ble his things in the tile lowest dra drawer vierl ilant that button I 1 GertA emerged from the encounter her fan fate very red innes could pee her biting her ber lips to deep the tear tears back an she h put tbt the laet last touche touches to the tible ashes tired out thought the liter sister of tom hardin I 1 she sheo filed to death over this din anerd nerd ner A few rul minutes later milkard ar rived in lat a elk suit alt of tweed teed getty a girting tre eting was wan a little how could fihe make annex 1 understand to tell tom tr to change his uta ahe duty of it hot wc fUll Fud denly deuly remero herert was as to dren dres n s down domn rather than up p to the tile of lile ills auest gift bik ble nerved bitterly her tier ln l tt N ae as ii vr ancone so as inne innel 0 afir ith lakkard kard nicil see that they it blought if it a ft big event she site nas batching nat ching the curtain where ton would mould ard rd ht his 3 coat nas a tle of 1 ago and tight I 1 1 bhe 1 h e inao anne e nn unintelligible excuse an all I 1 arte darted d I 1 beliinda tin the portiere port len T m i anie wm lie N was uj stihi a lini inu exl ji tie the tile cl col lar sho bortl hor vid tl it duarnte det ruef wild mild pl lails bals li ils for him to aliano lil clot li hiie waed red hand indicating It likar lio tile pointed to its toms sav milt suit laing ali on tie tte floor ali ahre re he lie had out of it 1 ant I flat 14 1 4 it nil fill ill out sli blind uhl hl l ind his lits alfe ife again the wild it well arent aren t toll all sati fiel fied dont dent I 1 luul like a U gu I 1 lie ile could hid be he heard distinctly in the fro nami otil cart f arti agne it up ip in de tit speir mie dill dat lied bed etue mme mor inore lw lottner lott lider der on n her nose and vent out ut looking like ime n martyr a ery tery I 1 retty martyr I t Illel kard 11 til tho th of tho the to i lit lerty s soft luth ilith h rein ludi d in lies of their ol 01 I 1 relation lou flit he the as think ing liik when tom tony red and ier irin brought another unit ler element bof of discomfort into the 4 cserti hered w hein thein immediately to he the table she cover the dr fart tt min item bilth might inight be ackard mk ard with mith her or small hatter thatter here fhe she had bad rend read that tt it was not well mell to make niM dogle 4 for liuk lalk of maid or fre helden afir ered la laurence I 1 that dreadful I 1 dining lining the et table tablet I 1 11 how fue tad iad hated it site liml limit not known how hov fearful it ani until ehe he k had escaped lie e are aniie e fak here mr rick I 1 arit nl che phe announced thy toil to L their lolae 4 aroi tind tie pretty till tuble le rant NN us u her i ill 1 I sit to leu lem but it 0 to o ero end 41 ill li r nul nu lelo els anoe P men abent a around rou nil t tl I 1 I 1 N 1 4 nl rd tu it 4 n ane papa pa anen ane I 1 pep up hart dive into kitchen or primitive I 1 ice lee chest and get et the key for or the howel u luebs of the I 1 itself rhe dinner as a triumph of apparent simplicity only innes inn rould could bess uess the time colim in the perfection f detail details desir to the tile tess icart heart tl TI e almonds she he had blanched nf if c bourqe her elf had dipped and halted them the cape chrep atras were her ir wn imn blie she did not inie the mis ube tale of out endle s ourel es n lini bu huffst fret near ot tit hand made tin tilt eirving a null dih openly e ber ht r innee ratib eiring the tile tory had told her tier in clots lall ond 1 dai lam lie tie joiy of it tie e old planted cov COY arlly nt at ti m sulking sull ilin at cit the tile head ot of ills its oo ONNO 00 table poor sully achilles she he thought IX ar bonert old lcarl innas Inn cs it tried ried ain slie lie tunu I 1 if rand that tile guest as st a ali 9 ut fit her aslie he had bud i 1 i t heard chiq to include hiir tn in the con erat loii asked isyou if you ake it larel phark 3 su LU hy of colli her tier a answer ax er fou pert vert to I 1 t I 1 so 1 H I r ait 1 r in law luf lait ened to add hint that 1 ins len cr lonely MIS its rt r tit illi nil ill all nl n in the id tl nt tit tle tile iniste 1 4 n lir making her tier li if me ine with nith them hit hi tah filiti tilty re a awil after nil till nh aitt it blier home iloine hu hit I 1 sa s1 1 e st still it I 1 the truth I 1 ud it 1 1 1 n de ni niad cd 1 sl I i reil ld d the tile sut it ha libil I 1 len I 1 et n t v cut I 1 ier er ct cill e ourse in orila to milk inake it hoiu in tie ie desert fir the bi hi alit ther r win nho fill alvae so so gently fall end lir who ho lind belled her tny amft t hr dimill tal that it 1 lit fl sl f l ell 11 u incon f bhe blie recalled his resistance aln she t li hid albed III it DK lilt rip rl tiP 0 vio 0 filid m lith that alad sape scapegoat goat of i it ri clr t r playing pronh nith desert aind not earn earn to hello sot dt it lin bhe site glorae I 1 in III that she ind at lent len t drian onu one pile into that ra I 1 III un stream bitti if I 1 f ft lien nhen she site left ill alley it would be ile as a a brend broad m winner inner she slip aa I 1 ir rel einred fired she lie N as a td oal pile EO go as ail an in nn tilt office she fail settled i on the ati I 1 ou going 1 to los angeles 0 slie he heird he ird thi liw ria ad ir 4 alq hoi hot hoit t tin iriti ird ti th e w ni ither awkward mard moment in ent aft N I 1 en I 1 I 1 ardin pushed back hii de delaying laring lie hid re phI ills limit 1 I ill t I 1 it t it 1 4 1 too 00 I 1 alg I 1 g a it marf nil fo oi h himl I 1 in I 1 it nas the stupid raiden so of the liia minoll 11 1 I at iid 1 een inet 1 3 flu bild for her ater atter tt er lit 1 lau lah reso rei littlon flirty asquine con tal t r I 1 of the tit coiner allon her role founded rounded asual ill lull no one could have it of freo frequent luent rth iral al ight r imi t ii in t talk it t f the river that ans iii utters bere ere alf alpa exclia led I 1 qually dill dilli cult dle of birtrice Inn Uirt nip rice day 1 bo so itlie idle I 1 egan with a current hook book the cheit er propel a safe till t ond hy fly lint it at natural route they renchal new york lork had neer been farther further eat than chi cago wa las grateful to play audience audlene li ardin who nho knew his new york per hap haps hotter better than either elther refus refused to be h drawn inan the live gentle think amit t he kept uprightly had mr Il rickard Ickard ut lutt many of the tillei and knot it WM then that 04 h waard taw her bomb toward t owa the 11 rilent she would like mr mir 11 to meet some of their frit tide ile 1 mid sald that he bould be le but that he mao planning to litno 1 shortly for the pleading of courte cour te she did not glie her he husband time to speak be meant afterward I 1 she wax planning to the glie something it bit notel novel tn in hie ills honor rite lefuel to tip MC see the flare glare from the angry man tn lit hn out outgrow gron n dinne oat at she olad not gladfe elan toward the tile kilter sitter si lid mr nir rickard think about a ride it ery entertaining but what blat da you ou dot there i it m q a ion lou I 1 gu rafai from front tom tont alth hh dee letitA bior told tier aia 14 tit A chining t so to coul coull I 1 inget till 11 II life lutot 4 1 I 1 think it all Mir aou ou to to nu elul fo so f o anict I 1 t tit it 1 in lit I 1 ft rt it cr cir did nie one do dt t ait if t axi t 0 t to t find 1 I ilet icile ii I 1 ile le it in A at now new lt suntry like thi 11 II IckArd that li if had to get haer it 0 o hl lilt lie ile hid let I 1 i ten to riep it lud tali I 1 effit een a I 1 dint er I 1 anti ehlt li it a Ml erful boina she he lind ina ie le nut out of it n sand baked lit I 1 i 0 out lit tit of a lie H of tile roes ro es and the th morning orning in glorae ilia ills eyed fell on the opan phino 1 the ren 1 hinr table alth the th current 11 now he couldn coulden t un lilt why they fht ent to hotell gert a ets were liere shining aft deen deep pools po of on elih the nun suit she ito looked alino t infantile a as shi ly 1 the to MO tall nieu her ber head perch d flood by I 1 and I 1 hope aull come again of couppe bed hed come again I 1 and oil olt kt 10 it know ohen hen aou 1 flo that I 1 may set the date for ny my party I 1 innee iiii did not get his hn an answer w r he lud lilt been oh erving that he lie was a 3 not taller than her brother lr other lie looked taller tat lr lie was mas lean and tom torn wa a cro stowing A ing stoa ti toky ly she lidded he lie would not A elouth louth so his hands in tits hi pock 1 in tuon before she h knew that ulic ohe anut ItI cLard she he had had an lini of virile distinction of grace n of 0 inori red inn ints elm dp lie ile antl known that it her tier brother hr he if still did he be mt nuy any bat faction from froin lie the fact that it ras r as aa lim himba tid of the mho fhe h flirt tild not no end jilted biln anyway like ille him hill RIM tn could antl ner er force a hurt that wan a g done to her tier 0 own in six she a n alardin innes innell I 1 mr ir iti clard ld good night 1 of it tier cool mif be irae gine the lips 1 not jimr ey entire Hn tire 01 1 r I 1 4 her ey eyt a did not meet hia HI IN intel ills P frt 1 e buld not meet that 0 ithie ri uila Y god night mr I 1 alard opt ts 0 CHAPTER XI the fighting chance can luk j il announced y boitt r nt i one enlie by that 0 time thile tin like mil shall a ui HI I 1 mus ia u I 1 deiy little li there thet e had I 1 1 e n a Mitu iTte t f buttil erine ering fires tires heft an fn I 1 I 1 laid ad left the towns I 1 nill t 1 I I 1 y anih talk luring hiring ills his ab him it jill lurt lur 1 nr t into maze tin tit AN re retta to alx thir resent went na iti t the life dan lio ito had lind eup sup lian tet hurien their naion it if it oat o at thein tilt lr I 1 il kf ily this time I 1 tie aue au e of tie if bert haq coin corn I 1 lalni ir t ill t linnor idler 01 were the tie 1 f I 1 rienau to ahe he folit IP ra of th little ori orl oral 14 not lie ile lind fleit go p fie 14 ls 4 ilicin it aleek wet lc the ef act of 11 4 sturt ana will of a irson ik ln t into a rim re ro an nil iule bibel of t tonj lem he lie bmw nhat he would nud flud ample r ri niini ii ini tim wilt I 1 11 i wm a 4 not gIven the tile satt f if nf if 14 eating liny tiny p reticular net of the men dien pre 6 anted ta ill ink mk wall null of I 1 W it pile t rt a bonalle ie alit silent ex abrl ily it tint fit I 1 ie e hn hal I 1 no n t been able to rolt enoah men inen to lot tot t of tit the force u wn fix I 1 anoy uy u y in III the tile NO 0 6 die dis brict tring to I 1 auh uh u h the tile shattered erid N ls 14 ditria th thrisi ly 1 a lew nute r ute batore that yenry roia ni were ere entirely ruined A gang ina at irani the floor door ne needa lil bloing another squad irl hs bats in the volcano lake region where they were ere excavating for i the new he head adgate gute 0 no o burry or that nickard rickard vins glad to pick a ft flaw aw in such a perfect pattern you might inight have withdrawn thoe those men dien and nd pit them to work OB on the levee I 1 wee mex shea glien DO no authority to dc d that the chief pretended to anifet fh he bewon ele it ere a cae cap ca P ot of bang ing corp in N ht lint he had seen at the hit his IMN at t he exposed valle TON his 11 of the rl aher ers ha tin I 1 conas 1 him chilt in linete and rind lay the valley m only chance he lie anu 1 re rf flie e to apte te the alnut in uh ruination of the engineers the seasoned desert fol 1 dien dem d em he lie herded them rout in their c confidence it 1 le e it not they inu anut t anie ne the ahsley iley any way I 1 the linpert url alle able front of silent sit ent hia ills bland aff store exa aerated him fasler to cantril nan 1 ali the sn f alling terrier of a I 1 H lit hall told allent plit ui to rither alof dien and anti ruh ru h pie ilie loci I 1 afi 1 d I so I 1 her tier lind hold 1111 lit tl dp a bettel ei gale 4 thin him 1 and had estopi stapled el the challi urk at ilette issitte or hid fil In indiana iDt luil thought fully Ill willlard Lard f fill 11 it I 1 that liitt s f iame don acri 4 tia tl dindi into lexle 1 ite it thelt I 1 nil tilt the tile recruits he nill tint morning th the guyy coo coilio in li or pt out of their auti to earn n few of or hie life idever dollars 4 hel 1 I out 11 t to then thel I 1 hy by tin the diw n w 1 walte I lie ho hoa q A fell u brabel to to tos to s up lit oil i th ti to lie the wet of the n I 1 stra I 1 I 1 nt at lilt at I 1 ut lit a r falu qu id 1 I of hi blot nad ri ad forre force at the tile of the tile lie cot inot spare iian inan inen the I 1 I 1 nd ad already started the line projected Project I 1 TY to marshi the tile beir afore a M acro j the beiert de ert adli di ping into 1 he be |