Show ss s s alki ABOUT YOU AND agoo FRIENDS roy bennett was down from C ni eron over sunday ws s 11 if has been transferred from Suney side to clear creole i W 34 3 4 A 1 hadley of the wasatch bt bacic it it A sunny side spent sunday in the bounty eat reat ass A D sutton went to SAH salt lake sanday morning to spend the week un tastiness bj ta v ss miss iris 1 taylor of hiawatha has returned home after spending the school year in ogden IN ss SA mrs marjorie left foi fol silt slit lake as soon as school closed last eek ass W Ss sin muriel shaw is ha haung ing t of or the mumps ste she V at the home of her mother for treatment w aa a a tom averill came down from mohrland SJ batonay ba Satu reay and took mrs averill and baby back with him sunday to make their hon lion in n tb tho camp mrs alice ballinger accompanied to help get thir th ir home etab lishe f douglas gunderson who bis hs been principal of the public school at thatcher box kider F ider county the past year returned home last sund ty he left wednesday for price where he will bo be employed dunn the sum mer mt leasing lea sint pyramid Py ramia was mrs bit abeth sanford and miss lea sanford S bord left tuesday to visit relatives rel alyes at america americ a fork and then proceed to arizona to make their home on the ranch with charley former manager mana gerof of the puce trading was mr ind mrs carlos gunderson Gundar Gunder sor nephi gunderson and lira lars gunder ret arned tuesday to their home in price i cie the guests of horar at a f dinner given by mr ind mrs jol n gunderson Gun dorson sur day evening mt Picas Pleas hitt nt pyramid ass miss bliss hazel cleveland cleveand will leave in a few days to attend summer school in salt lake v aa A W and E S horsley spent Sund sunday ayin in winter quarters on ecclesiastical work W ass S 3 if G williams who has been acting general r superintendent of t he utah fuel company has returned to the tile pacific coast for a vacation was W ss s s the F W V greaser family has gone to sunnyside Sunny side where mr greaser will act as agent for a couple of months WAS george Colling collingham bam of Sunny sunnyside side was elected grand vand vice chancellor of the knights of pythias at the grand lodge in bait salt lake a few days ago 1 W 8 83 s sam and family rf f sunnyside Sunny side were lo 10 the city saturday en route hone from a visit in salt lake W ai 8 S miss liable mable hoffmann left saturday to join her mother and sister in their new home chewill She will not to the school schoolroom broom next year but will devote her time to a d class 0 of 1 one tt Ss S s superintendent orson ran vent went to hi on school business ype y berday he fie took kev rev R C jones alone that the latter might gel get ac qu ii in the chip imp ws w s a theofred the fred paternoster tater noster family will leave in a few days for ari u auto trip in W Wj jing oming they will vi visit vilt lt frit ada ia in the southern part of the tile state ind will then spend several weeks in la yel yellow loston ston park wea an auto driven by A 11 hlowie HC cowle owie vice pes resident ident and general manager of the utah fuel compana nj was vas struck by a street car in silt lake recently but none of the occupants were injured a SA theodore aldur tried to go down soldier sur emit hill backard back ird in n his new auto a few fes days ago a id il copped the ula machine chine luto a 3 deep gule only slight damage was done to the car and no one was hurt was the seventh gride A the helper schools with their teacher mrs ae noall came to price friday morning ft ere lour auto on a picnic loads with 11 Borken bagel as grand arand marshal of the day castle dale perron ferron storrs orange ville and kentworth KenH worth are a some of the flee towns mentioned for a base ball league formed at ferron recen recent tl A R coe of castle dale was named chairman with clive kilpack of perron ferron secretary and jc jcsse ase peacock of orangeville Oran Orang eeville eville treasurer tre asprer the 1 league eague expects to open its s saon son the first sunday in july W SS 88 senator W if king haa has introduced a bill in congreso con gres grets which carries an appropriation of 2 for the sant valley valle reservoir and can canik alq the reclamation littion service is now tavo avo rable to the project ac coding co ding to reports Oln charge of this special work are now col con mend that there is plenty of water to fill hill the proposed reservoir IN iti secretary lane ard secretary llou houston s urging the reclaiming rew re of ml possible land it is reasonably certain that the appropriation will caro carn w ss s s A surprise and reception was tendered misa miss henrtta making ali ing by her patrons and pupils at carbonville Car bonville monday evening the whole community joined enthusiastically and superintendent orson ryan than whom there is no better judge of refreshments says that that part of the program was real it consisted of del clous cious sandwiches cake coffee and ice fee creain TOP the evecia evening was spent in visiting by the older folks ai at d in dancing ind games garnes by the younger ones the community is highly appreciative of the work dore by miss aliss marsing |