Show an ais o 0 c ass e I 1 alic lie of farrell pa pat sets a good example by driving out of town suspected suspect eAl I 1 agitators who fail fall to respond to the loyalty test A declaration oi of willingness willin fines to abide by the constitution 4 and stand by the he american flag it is the only requirement and it is R timple simple and reasonable enough to satisfy any law person those th at refuse to meet thu this require ment are escorted to the first inabin leaving 1 the town by a jelett committee consisting of the burgess member members of the police and fire departments and a body of prominent citizen citizens with ith rifles the ceremony is impressive and not soon forgotten some citi citizens cris jre are adif india ferent to the outcome of the suit to test the legality lefia lity of the water bond issue I 1 hey say that if the wajter ater bonds kt are knocked out the ame same blow from the supreme court nill knock out the prohibit a lion tion amendment and that if hey they get et booe booze back athly wont ned water the presbyterians at their gen eral assembly bent ent on record is in favor of advertising sa salvation lation ini in the daily and weekly papers anything an thing that is worth passing pass ingi i I 1 around ought to be advertised and we see ee no reason why tickets through the pearly aites aa should be 1 V an exception i an is sad to ha have hac c been asleep for hours on the face of the fact we say deat th at e nothing we have men here in J this community who ho haven t ul id verti sed for years ears und and it looks like some rome of them might never neier I 1 waken t up s A few citizens who have come to price during the past cafare carare I 1 continually chirping on how they do it in the baet no one will ob ieca to their returning east cast any time they want to the west seems to be too good for them if some sonic I 1 of the little kid kids who are ire driving big ba can cars at a rapid speed around the street streets of price and ae th e road roads of carbon county are injured whose bauh will it be or if the injure someone else who will be reilly responsible 7 scientists have disco discovered cred a thrush that dives and swims wb what at is n needed e eded 11 i i a swallow that 11 lock even the democrats are send ing wilson long messages asking him to come crime home and attend to business they want him to try to ave save the remnant of the parly party he his wrecked men do not i it new wine inc into old britt bottles les the ministers tell us but they sometime sometimes put new inner tubes into old c isings with just about as good results oh why hy should the pint c of mortel be proud hen the price of his hi grub is abo e a high clouda W word ord comes from emery county that the fruit crop will ill be the best in years all the peach crop in is imp improving ov ing right along 1 |