Show STORRS BOY PROVES TO 10 BE A real POET I 1 ono of the interesting feature features of 0 the exercise at last thursday evening wast the reading ol 01 the aa poem cow composed posed b conrey courey argeon of tho k gride grade it would do credit to a 2 high school benlor the poem Is our motto our color blue and white 1 llie eanotto notto means lil higher gher higher 1 alth I ith hope al allaf wa n I 1 in n t 1 11 IQ a color blue nien truthful fu I 1 bo he other color pure and arid it iti kaep ni ottoe NN i will resit I 1 ni sure aj c maka goud men wen end and women s we progress through lid lift 1 11 bough trouble wyo its in th world or i tol ti 11 and strife i oe c in our ott idles it hout this thi whole long year and now I 1 tl ti w anit it grad graduate date itt man a bousi 1 fig clider and aher het we woo go to hh next winter 0 o will rea pen that we master all our and mart deop e wo 11 bt b we hao aten rail ratler er boky 1 hat I 1 will ill admit hut but aa we grow up older I 1 think well e ii ao 40 our bit bit |