Show BOX BALL come ome in and enjoy ta clean amusement T 0 a splendid recreation a healthful exercise men like BOX BALL because it is a line requiring quiring skill affording them a chance to demonstrate dt the accuracy of their aim and their superiorly superior ty at bowling ladies like BOX BALL because it is an athletic gime in which they may participate in competition affording them opportunity for ex exer ercie che vigorous but not too strenuous everybody aikes box 1141 they can cant t help it son soft card room WARREN PEACOCK proprietor basement of aliee building a ge g E 5 fc s lt L j fill X YOU WERE INVITED TO WATCH THIS 1 11 V 1111 SPACE THIS WEEK ni after remodeling our plant entirely by adding new j machinery and still making further improvements we ire are now in n a position to otter offer to all our customs custom F jill PURE CRYSTAL ICE r X N made out of 0 the finest distilled re boiled water we also offer our finest sparkling per cent pure 1 DISTILLED WATER W ji I 1 1 I 1 ill I 1 price ice cold storage go C 0 CH as j v lill r M WM V M 6 1 11 9 IX r 1 ar ar rap HAPPY BUY auy YOUR YOU R GROCER E 45 tr game HERE it is not difficult to keep the family in good 1 humor if you have angood wholesome than s to eat you can select delightful id of good things here the QUALITY makes them a pleasure our prices maffa thea them an del monte lemon alicd cling Peach peaches eq 1 ans koyal royal Ila wailan pineapple Pine appo appe sliced 7 cans no 21 2 can black cherrie a 8 cans green aage plume plums 4 mia i at yellow ilow free peaches 5 11 car cans apricots apricot 5 cans log login in berries I 1 cans luxury sweet spuds 4 oina 2 corn corna 7 cans 7 cann tomitye To mitoe ef 7 cina pork and nd bean 12 cans 17 banquet re inq 12 cina at 1 I 12 cans 1 10 milk sego 48 tall til cans deviled meat IJ caos cans I 1 65 vienna style sausage 7 cirs h guaranteed per lbs 1 50 S hu macher grisani flour 6 ib sack Q aker whole IN heat PI bijur jur pei ake 50 collen age machrol Mach roa spaghetti or kee egg noodles 12 91 9 corn fickes per pice 10 Ger bermide mide full 10 lb sael each 70 cream cr eam of wheat 9 ab 1 sack eath I 1 75 rolled oils otts 12 IDS lbs for aladdin dye soap in all colors 0 6 aars b ara 55 coaree volger 1 golden gate per ib 44 coffee folger amber per lh ih 2 36 we have those utah strawberries berries and they are tine alo alao al o royal breid bre id anu and atoll kolls jelly doughnuts Doug houts and doughnuts fresh every day 44 silk and cotton bras brassiere in all aus elite u company ligat globes sockets etc at the redd culp motor company get jour your light bulb bulbs sockets etc at the iteal calp culp motor company juat just received at nm nera a large shipment of columbia Ce lumbia latest records jbf wan ladies Ladie sand and infants silk hose in all shades and ad sizes at the elite millinery company bodies cf cl pepper in the latest war songs ilehr them on a columbia at sumner 3 have you heard the Po lumbia alay records 9 call at Sun simmer iners s and hear bear them at att W S 9 for sale 1 rol t arty of J J lod raf lot ot o t in arke irl oi 01 e tire 30 b 31 with fill gaut salt half halt ade on si t fi lay night iby may IS 18 kiwar lt ward for or r turn to mrs A 1 OK THE burgener AU r laflel music house 1 onla 1 mif emst of tin the 11 trat cli ja Jn enno no carrying full line of talking machines and records string and wind instruments sheet music high grade pianos and players open fo to ali hi ni flie the near future f fal fh the aty SiMa igni bida price utah SHOES SH JJ AJ A J bj A ra T THE HE E S STA STANDARD T A AAD A OF AMERICAN i this is one of the SELZ models we are taeng about leather clear thru no fakes no subs long wear good feel put your money and feet into good shoes our idea of suggesting SELZ shoes to you is to relieve you of the uncertainty of getting your moneys worth SELZ on shoes means good shoes good service and good looks it means all leather buy them with confidence we do PRICE TRADING COMPANY PRICE UTAH specializing in SELZ shoes wa ITHE T H I 1 BEST B E S T ONE 0 N E YET Y E T carload of woodrow washers just 0 0 received electric of course N 11 gash cash and worth it A little higher on payments but easy to buy the greatest greatest labor saver of the age e saves mother s back and hands now is the time to buy electric appliances I 1 1 1 ances keep cool and ind healthy Z by using using labor saving devices t that ha t generate len erate little heat put a fan in home and office afif fifteen teen per cent drop in auto tires NOW Js the time to buy I 1 I 1 N W C BROEKER 1 MAIN AND DEPOT STREETS P PRICE P I 1 C E s dutart UT J bwy aay A wy |