Show 1 1 1 GIFTS FOR fori i GRAD N P v 1 31 R T DAYS V ME these are gif gifts ts that will please immensely that will bear lasting fond and k personal nal memories 0 you can find here either conventional or A Ven entirely out of the ordinary ideas foy for gifts gi gift it buying is often a puzzle A trip to our store may solve it perfectly for you PUT C 7 EKO BUILDING PRICE UTAH i A h i N our new line lit n e of hosiery has arrived this includes plain and embroidered silk hose also a number of out sies in lisle and silk we have a hew shipment of ready made waists these are in a good quality of chine and georgette 11 ll have you seen the new corn com of tan and victory victor JI red A suggestion for summer handwork hand work is found in our stamped pillow cases and guest aest towels to be embroidered or the tile edges edge s croche crocheted tad Bu buccilla scilla embroidery and crochet v 4 thread also J P coats cr crochet thread elite millinery co turner bid price utah AGAIN DOING BUSINESS our fire crippled us fori fora few weeks week but it did not kill us we have installed a lare large amount of new machinery and equipment after our building had been rebuilt re built and e are now better prepared than ever to handle your cleaning pressing and dyeing special attention to silk garments curtains carpets as well as clo clothing experienced help has been secured to give ive you prompt service phone us and we will call for dour our work ork THE L J LABONTE co CJ phone north ninth street price utah VERALL u et 07 keep kiac kleen 1 the suit uit ANew A new suit FIR FREE E if if y rip Bor beware wars of el imitation imitations look for coveralls koVE OVERALLS RAlLS KM tits us par adf this red abd labels so by id levi strauss co san francisco A araj ha GRANO PRIZE tt at P P I 1 L I 1 J ltv we need more our mill is running fine and we cannot det et enough 1 wheat to fill orders bring in in your wheat and et your cash flavo flour pleases them ill all flavo flour at the mill 5 50 per cat cwt t soo pounds or more per cwt cat cho chopping 0 p n per cwt cat Cle cleaning anim wheat 10 per hu bu S farmers mill 8 elevator co PRICE UTAH GW WAA TREADING RE saves many months in the life of a tire we ve are experts in that work MT tur kinds of vulcan zine and repair work on tubes and tires done by specialists 11 F gray an expert from salt lake has been added to our force corne ome in and seo our work all blade of end ond appl lits lei OB on baad hand tires and nd tobee tubes for ile sale price rubber works W D richards J JR R golding price utah CS Wrt I 1 ps FARM LANDS 0 1 1 I 1 have some exl excellent lent S farms for sale both lare large and small improved and unimproved and some fully equipped it costs you nothing to look them over and get et t V terms and ind learn all about them 1 I 1 0 E K ak OLSON U US 8 eko theatre ald biag PHONE price utah s s sucu o ayt A |