Show OTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY SOLD TO CARBON COUNTY FOR 1913 AND 1914 TAXES AND NOT S REDEEMED f whereas vi lie reas carbon county ban bait received tax deeds on the following real estate which he been gold sold to carbon county for 1013 1913 and 1014 1914 taxes and the time for redeeming said property has ha espred ex pred now therefore notice 1 is s hereby given that in pursuance of section of the compiled laws of utah 1017 lie tle county of carbon county III offer for bale palo to the highest bidder for cash at the north door of the county court house at price carbon carbott county utah all tho the right title and interest of the state of utah county of carbon cargon and all other taxing fund or districts interested therein to the real estate listed below said sale will commence on day the alt day of blay a A D 1010 1919 at 10 A M in n m case will any ot the real estate ba sold for a aum sum les Is than taxes interest and cost accused to date by artier of the board of county neris of carbon county slate state of utah made and aud trite entered red on the esth day of april A EL 1010 isrul 1811 H 11 C SMITH clark of carbon a county utah jbv block 0 6 scofield Town townsite sito te survey scofield auvill as in the name nime of A EL y v north halt I 1 of i f southeast quarter se section tion 10 12 south range 7 east S L M containing 80 acres assessed in the nime of utah coal and coke company southwest guarter of northwest quarter northwest quarter of south west quarter section 11 township 12 south range 7 east cast S 1 L bt containing 80 acres nores assessed in the name of utah coal coke co lot 18 block 4 pratts sur survey v ey of welby imper helper utah assessed in the name came of joe burjo northeast quarter of northeast quarter section 14 township 13 south range 0 east 8 L BI as hessed in the name of f E T aunis beginning GO 50 of northwest corner of lot 2 block 1 tidwells or local survey in section 10 township 14 south range 10 cast east thence bouth CO 60 feet thence east feet thence north 60 50 feet thence west feet to begIn beginning nine lut lot 2 block 1 local survey price utah assessed in the same rame of lawrence johnson beginning feet east and 2 feet north of gouth southwest corner of section 10 township 14 south range 10 east chonce east 35 one half feet feet thence 35 one half halt feet thence south feet to beginning block 0 local bur sur toy utah assessed in the name of hannah anderson south half hall southwest quarter and south halt of southeast quarter section 3 township 12 south range 14 cast S L U ba assessed in the name of P F E Gr grames atnes lota lots 1 I and 4 block 8 wellington townsie Vown site survey wellington utah assessed in the name came of W S glinkin lot 1 block 3 galea gales addition of wellington townsite W ll mitton utah assessed in the nami of W J tidwell beginning at southeast corner of northeast of ot auth s east ajar ter section 1 township 15 south ranee range 10 past east theme north 20 rods todi west CO 60 rods th ance south 20 rods thence east et 60 rods to bacin ang section 1 township 15 south ringe 10 fast tast S L 51 ass assessed cased in the name of lofb S F grundvig Grund vie S southeast quarter quitter southwest quarter section 3 township 1 15 south ranee range 10 east S L SI 51 asi assessed essed in the n name ame of dale aa 11 parked trustee southwest Cst quarter of dorthea northeast st quarter section 10 township 15 south range 10 east S L 1 M I assessed in oe name greaso and kirk pi bitrick trick east half bait of northeast quarter of southeast quarter ecklon 15 town ship 1 15 5 south range 10 east cast S L BI assessed in the name of estella M IN hitrey hitre southwest South Sout Test hyest quarter of northeast quarter northwest quarter quart tr cletion 15 township 15 south ringe 10 east cast 13 L 51 assessed in the name of E N morton southwest of northeast ll 11 quarter of southeast quarter section C t I 1 1 ir township 15 south range 10 east S L bl assessed in n the name of herbert Ohn a sorTe batt halt half northwest north rest quarter ter section 22 township 15 fout south brange range 10 east S 4 L DI assessed in the name I 1 ty kellogg southeast quarter of quarter of southwest quarter section 22 2 township 15 south range 10 east S L M assessed in the name of cora R kilis ellis southwest quarter of northwest quarter of southeast quarter section 24 to township 15 boutil range 10 east S L mi M assessed in the name of ON C N killgore past east kif of northwest quarter of heltion kec hec tion albo west half balf if northeast quarter section 20 26 township town ithie 16 15 south range if 11 east S L 1 1 assessed in the name of S il it hutchinson the north quarter of southeast quarter of northeast quarter section 20 township 15 south ranee range 10 east S L N containing 10 acres as hi in the name of frank L buckle bucklo north hulf of or southwest quarter of sout southwest qu quirt arter cr section 30 township 15 south range 10 east S L it amassed in the name of irrigated lands company beginning 20 rods east of the northwest corner of the southeast bouth east qu quarter a arter of southwest quater qua ter of section thence south 80 rods thence east 20 rods thence north 80 rods thence west 20 rods to beginning section 7 township 15 south a rant e I 1 11 I 1 cast east K L 51 asses assessed bed in the balme of of W A thayn kast east half bait of northeast ija i citero ter of northeast quarter of section 8 town ship 15 south ranco range 11 east S L M ba assessed in the name of hannah ellke beginning 40 rods west of northeast corner of the northeast quarter of section thence west 24 rod thence south SO rods thence east 21 rode rods thence north 80 rods to begin ning section S township 15 south range 11 east S L bi assessed in the name of george VV dubose southwest quater of northeast quarter of section 17 tORD township ShIP 15 south range 10 east t L assessed in the name of dale if parke trustee lot 0 block 3 1 1 scofield townsite survey scofield utah assessed in the name of mary krebs williams Vi lliams lot lota block 0 scofield townsite surrey scofield utah assessed in the name of luna lena an undivided half interest in lot 9 block 17 scofield to 9 ansite survey scofield utah assessed in the name of D Beg Beeb laning ning at the northeast cornei corner of the northeast quarter of southeast east quarter of section thence west 27 rods southeast bouth east and parallel to cast east bank of price river 41 rod to a point on quarter section line thence north 34 rods to beginning section 13 township 13 south range 0 9 east S L sl M lisses assessed sed in the name of frank felice and C felice lot 6 and 15 block 5 pratts survey of welby veloy townsite te helper gutib assessed in the name of mag g gie ash lot 0 7 8 11 U 14 15 in block 7 pratts of welb velby mown townsite own sike site helper utah assessed asses qed lu iv the name of illia elliam m morgan lot 10 and anti 11 block 12 townsite te survey helper jtb assessed in the name of charles john bon beginner Begin nir it the southeast corner of the so quarter of southwest quat ter of section thence west 20 rod thence north 70 rode rod thence east 20 rods thence south 70 rods to place of beginning also beginning begin nine at northwest nor thweat corner of southeast quarter of southwest quarter of section thence south 20 rods thence east 80 rod thence north 20 rods rod thence west 80 rods cods to place of beginning begin nine section 30 towi ohp st ip 13 south range 10 east b S L M aser aspersed sed in the name of phillip denn denns beginning 2 rods west of northeast corner of northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section thence fouth I 1 I 1 rods thence west U 13 rods thence i orth 13 rocq rods thence east 13 rods to ie beginning i fe clion ji 31 ton bip 13 nth rai ge 10 faba S L M as 86 ased in ill the okame of francis I 1 a beginning al at the southeast e cornei anet of lot to 2 thence west 63 53 68 58 6 5 8 fet 1 et thence north 13 rods thence east 53 58 feet thence south 13 rozia rod to beginning lot 2 block 11 price townsite Toen site survey price utah as assessed in th the name of nici bel austro cuatro beginning at the northwest corner of southeast quarter of section IT 17 thence east 31 reds rods 12 I 1 and one half feet thence south 2 23 1 rod thence west 1 31 I 1 rods 13 one half hall feet thence north 23 rods to begin beginning ving section 17 township 14 rat ge 10 east S L BI assessed in tt tl e name of jess jesale le gregory beginning ILI 22 rods soth sooth and feet east of northwest orner of southeast q quiler i ter of southeast quarter of section 17 thence borth 22 rods chewe east feet thence south 22 rods thence west feet to section 17 township 14 south range 10 east S L M I 1 assessed in the name of mary A miles beginning feet north of southeast corner of southwest quarter of por northwest thweat quarter of petion section 21 thence west est ose ove half feet thence north GO 50 feet thence east one half feet thence south CO 30 r teet feet to place of beginning section 21 township 14 bouthi range 10 ewt S L 51 assessed in the name of 1 I Jag ninta Ile ginning feet south 57 47 degrees 40 minutes east of a point feet south of the northwest corner of section thence south feet thence south 59 degrees 40 0 manutes east 74 feet thence northeast feet to a point one half feet south 57 degrees 40 feet of 0 capt of place of beginning thence borth 57 degrees 40 feet wast one half feet to plimp of beginning section 21 township 14 south range 10 east cast b L 51 assessed in the name of 51 mcdonald cDonald real estate investment cc company lot G block 2 in rn sarah jane plumb powell addition price utah assessed in the name of malgarat Mai MaL garet thomas lot 2 block 2 blon montrose trose addition price utah assessed in the name of E Macle lot 0 block 2 price altier view addition price utah the name of f fred aunald lot 2 ar at d 3 block 7 price kiver river view addition price utah assessed as essed in the parne of carl baken lot 1 block 14 price river view addition tar r utah assessed in the name of john city the east cast half of southeast sou theist quarter of southeast sou theist quarter of section 22 township 14 south r ranee range 10 east S L M assessed in the name 0 of lars frandsen Frand the southwest quarter of bouth west quarter of section 23 14 south range 10 east S L M cen fen assessed in the name of lara lars frand beginning at northwest st corner northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section thence south 47 rod thence east 40 rods theme themo north 47 rods thence west 40 rods to place of beginning section 28 township 14 south range 10 east S L 11 f assessed in ane ame of christine peterson lot 2 block 0 in wellington Tor site survey wellington baah assessed in the name of mary h L tid tidwell well lot 3 block 0 9 wellington townsite survey wellington utah assessed in the name of W E jones banning 11 ginning 3 31 1 feet east of southeast corner southeast quader quarter of southwest quarter vt of section thene cast east one half feel feet north 1 b feet west om oni half taftt et south 16 1 G 6 feet to place of beginning section 0 township 15 south range 11 east S L M N assessed in the nam 1 e of edgar thayn beginning feet cast of south cast corner of southwest quartet of section thene north 88 16 1 G 6 feet thence north 59 50 degrees east 2151 feet thence south 74 degrees esst feet thence north 74 degrees 50 30 feet east feet thence e eit 1 t 4 feet thence south feet thence west 1184 feet to plaze of beginning section 0 township 15 south range 11 II cast S L 51 is saes sessom i in the aam nm of E 11 thayn the northwest quarter I Larter of south act east luvirter and amsl as half halt of out h est quarter of nort northeast helst quarter terl f section 3 township 15 south ra range aze 10 east S L M as aSae sed ested in I 1 lh LL name of W D livingston Livi ahe east half of northeast quarter of northwest quarte of section 15 township 15 south range 10 east S IL L M N as assessed essed in the name of ernest IN clark the southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 22 township 15 south ranee range 10 east S L M N as hessed in the name of wensell kubira kuc ra the east hilt h alf of southwest I 1 ter west half of southeast quarter lot of section 22 township 15 south range 10 east S L M N asse assessed sed in the name of maria kucera the northwest quarter of northwest awes quarter of section 27 township 15 south ou th range 10 east S L M assessed ased in the name of V N kucera the northwest q quarter barter southwest south west quarter south half halt of northeast almir ler ter of south southwest fest quarter of section 35 township 15 south range 10 loease east S L M N assessed in the name of demay saunder cr ibe the west lulf half of northwest liar ter of southe quarter of section no 35 township 15 south range 10 east S L 1 M obsessed in the name of demay the northie t quarter of northeast quarter of southwest of section 35 township 15 south range 10 east S L at asse assessed sed in the came of C U 11 william q ahe he northwest quarter of north east quarter of quarter of section 85 township 15 south range 10 e eist S 6 L st as assessed essed in the camo namo of M A 0 garhart albart ibe northwest quarter of south t quarter northwest quarter of northeast quarter of section 36 lowr bip 15 south bouth range 10 east S L M N assessed in the n nwe ame of demay Saull sounders ders beginning at the least cornei of ign thence north 80 rods thence wet we t feet thence south 80 rods thence east feet to of beam beginning ning section 5 town chip 11 south range 11 east S L at assessed in the aade name of john V vance lot 4 in section 6 township 15 south range 11 eat S L abl DI assessed jn in the name of W 11 E janee Ber beginning inning at southwest boinet of southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section thence north 10 chain thence east 2 20 0 chains thence 10 chain thence west 20 cluing chains to place of beginning section 7 township 15 south range I 1 11 I 1 east S L M N it hesed se sed in the nime name of peter jones beg 1 at northeast corner of southwest quarter of southwest cout ter of section thence west 10 chair theace south 10 chains chain N thence east 10 chain thence north 10 chains to place of beginning section 7 township 15 south range 11 east S L st assessed in the name of jones estate at northeast corner st quarter of northwest north wet quarter of section thence south feet thence north feet east feet thence west feel to place b beginning s clion 20 township ton ship 15 south range 11 east S L M N assessed in the name of natural and V bottino the north half of southwest quat berof ter of northwest quarter of section 32 31 township 15 south rai rat re ge I 1 11 I 1 east b j L M abs assessed ased in the name of C B and peter ludmir 1 beginning feet south of north avest corner of northwest quarter of i southwest west quarter of section thence south feet thence eist 80 roil rodt thence north 80 rods theme west feet thence auth fee feet wt west st feet to place of beRin b g nn nin in sec see tian 7 township 14 south range rane 10 fist 8 L sl assessed in the name of G 11 BIc Kindrick the southwest quarter of northwest quarter the north half of south west quarter northwest quarter of puth east quarter ct of section 23 25 township 10 15 south range 8 east S L M N assessed in the nime of peter Jouna Joun akis beginning feet south of the northwest corner of northeast quarter of ie cion thence south feet thence east cast feet thence north feet thence west feet to t place of beginning begin nin nio c 33 35 15 south sooth anage geat ge e S S L it sed in the nero name of august J 1 I the east half balf of scitt least quarter of sec section tion 17 township 15 south ranee range 10 east S L SI 51 assessed io in the name of F sl U burger lots 12 1 2 3 4 5 0 6 block 17 helper townsite survey helper utah is vs essed in the name peter zone sl ath OF VI I 1 ab ot CAR CARBON BO 1 I 11 C smith county |