Show ihne miles ea h it 11 it seems to be established by competent witnessed wit esses nesse that there was a bad shortage of horse horses for he the artillery in the ardonne argonne fighting the explanation is made that france had been drained of 0 hones horses and 2nd that the necessity of using all available shipping hip pin for men mude made it impossible impo sible to ship horses from andrica An Am urica trica if this explanation is correct one observation might be made through the autumn of oi 1917 and the winter of 1917 18 we wert sending over only a handful of troops troop evary severy manth there wit wj 0 plenty of shipping then for the transportation of horses and whatever other equipment was ready reidy but it used those were arc the months when secretary baker was operating on the theory thit that the war was three thousand miles away ind there was no need to hurry men nien were sacrificed in the argonne in september ard and october last year because it wj was Impost impossible ible to arouse the administration the year before to a realization of the fact act that w were in a real war that would call for real fighting firth |