Show HAYMOND IS CHAMP george D heymond is declared by state war stamp officials to be the champion stamp salesman of the state mr haymond Haymo iid general maniger i of the carbon emey stores company with headquarters it ili ill hiwatha made his camp the champion pre cinet with a per capita of over 00 for the year 1918 1018 already he has sold old over 1600 limps amps this year or is Z worth cuban allotment for the year Ts siam many of the amps are keeping up the lie campaign started late in 1918 but in many others und in price little is being lone done chairman orson has been too bus with school bond elections elet ions school building plan plans and an d other ther a to put the necessary rep into a county campaign camp agn it will be te started before long but in the meantime evelyon is urged to buy at least one stamp i month abny ony aquila who alleges that he be w ws skinned out of 50 tn in a confidence dence game on ma 11 has brought aum uk against louie lome bell luie Boc aturo and barton for the return of hi hl money clain claiming tatt the were the ones ahl got it the three are arb already bound over to the strict court on a crimi nal aa charge L A coe ve ia is aquila 5 at attorney torne dr 1 R blatt of the state and board dr it P fuk rikand and dr neil nell aladeen alden are WV look lne 0 ivr vernand lend near scofield WAY ua |