Show MINE VALUATION NEARLY TRIPLED carbon county mining property was increased almost three times in va value I 1 ue for forthm tho 1 amden lie atte board 0 equalization equal on it 0 ts carbon co county nty y to in second en e n ikpe p in the state 1 al I salt lake county giving it first place the value of mining property in thia this county in 1918 waa was but for the present beir it Is i owed at ahe value of all bolc inc ing property in the state is placed at little over the total assessment figures of benton randolph ire iG with grazine grazing 1 and nd railroad railroads telephone and nd telegraph telee raph linea lines and other matters that ate ui up to the state board yet to ba be adud carbons total valuation will run close to an increase of about over lasi last year |