Show SOCIETY A AND ND CLUBS Twenty friends of mrs elizabeth sanford Sant oril invited themselves to thea the A billinger Sil lineer home for a farewell evening n nu with wilh ekr ht r Sd Sa miny loving remembrances were prevented to alre sinford to be taken with her tier to her ri I 1 1 w home in bliss MISS madell gibbon rendered ren Jered ft it number of solo soo z refreshment refreshments concluded the four car loads of the members rs of the utahna no 39 lodge of the rebekah order at r were brought to irice price friday night and w with ith the assistance of the docil order four candidate candidates viere ere initiated S wab was put on by the helper degree team which is considered the anest finest team in the state at the conclusion of the business of the lodge A banquet was berred by the price members about 45 were in attendance members of the royal neighbors order of which mrs F W greaser has been a prominent in member emter gave her er a farewell party at her home monday eveni everil bf tic the family is moa ing this week to sunnyside Sunny side the ladies brought broucht cefres am nta rits ant an t enjoyed i s pl pleasant plasant evening u were J E jarvison jess jets johnstun john causer C S harris thomas pouts fouts jessie jossie bauford anford S A mile miles ida mcadoo b henry wade wide F 1 J thomas Tt ionia 0 K E som aw and misa ma anni ann wadi wade |