Show merchante tf 1 aloupon BOOKS the news advocate baa has a supply of merchants coupon books both in 5 and d 10 denominations no use sending lending away for these books here after er S line of irka irks in all sized bottles at the news adva 4 classified A 1918 vini three quarter ton truck for sale cheap address P 0 box 21 I 1 or bate sale to lour u r room cottage with bath I 1 lot 50 b by y lit in cowshed and nd chicken house M T harmon it for sile SAIP S ile two good dairy cow cows also baenen 44 and wafon wagon tor particular particulars apply to E W koz killworth utah att k lor or sale salo three lare lot 11 on oil main treet liAr lUrg gains aIni frank grodio Gro iio price lit good 1918 dodge five pas eager car for sale address P 0 box ia or sale call calk bilks term gar ger it in bloom buchli fuch li and antl other plant bv by cirle civic department ot of price borosk soro di at news advocate office tf for rent full cement basement tiet tient outside entrance call at midland auto repair co old pi ice lee azling T semb company building I 1 lor or rent neat store room near bunn hutin slap known ai as the golden lestore Ru rule store 21 by 70 feet three living room it at cached bred paternoster price to trade tride lot no I 1 three block 2 two now helper town townsite tite tor for nihil cow ot 01 buggy maro mare inquire new advocate cott 07 0 wanted Want edMen or women omen to take or deri ders among friend fri enil and neighbor tor for the genuine guaranteed halery ho lio lery ull full line tor for men women and children darning 6 poly SO 50 an hour spare timo time or fai 21 a week eek tor for tull full time urite efte international mill corrle town pa Is 20 29 0 lor tor sale or trade store sture carrying large line of popular good goods in price doing big buean ss 11 stand fullest ill take good autos auto a part addre aj flox au new news advocate att at 0 lor for tale bale wagon harnes harness C all style hop shop price at F vm pm t max iwa m jw m X a ay DR J B HENDERSON HE SON X chiropractor X ARK va not medicine ne not surgery E 1 4 not osteopathy xa X office hoan flours at t irke price office flours at helper ic 2 till p m im till 1130 1130 a m 1111 bd r x ti I undy und Y N pei utah liet ir utah lip lid OTHER HOURS OR HOME CALLS BI BY appointment X t m lit st X mil 10 vp 0 o no WAS 4 A s r 4 ab once shifting G ears 7 in ghigli gear erl ali 41 sho showing the world what 1 4 owners know A anwa model lodel 90 Over laniL touring touting cj again proved its tAnu aby by smashing completely the world s non stop aija par gear mccorq this his teat test was niale male jn oklahoma the car tas T as sealed in high gear and the shift levala lever waa si removed no ot once yv othere wt s there here the slightest mechanic ical trouble rouble the least hesitation or the faintest break breal in the cven action of the Ov overland eiland motor s this standard dard car is an exact duplicate of the model 90 we wil be glad to show you PRICE GARAGE COMPANY tavern mi bid g price utah walt 4 11 rM ct 0 r IW t 1 i come ka ton at 9 J V 0 rc C L t t THE TH FAMOUS MADE CLEAN HOLSUM A US U AMA SOLO SOLD CLEAN B BREAD BL ae A for flor sale in this city and vicinity by the following up to date dealers 4 THE GARDEN STORE EMERY COUNTY MEAT MARKET price castle dale IDA PEACOCK CASH STORE SAMUEL SINGLETON orangeville Orang eville ferron B J PEACOCK SONS CARBON EMERY STORES CO emery hiawatha WASATCH STORE CO BLACKHAWK MERC CO castle gate sunnyside Sunny side winter quarters quartas hiawatha the above dealers handle only the finest and best merchandise obtainable this is your guarantee for HOLSUM bread bread im blinde by SUPERIOR JU BAKING COM COMPANY PANY SALT LAKE LAIKE |