Show HELPER IS EASY FOR HIAWATHA A homer by helmke and a three birger by garber featured the game between Ili hiawatha awatha and helair sunday it WAS lle lueers ers day and she was as unable any of her six hits iao into tallies i the i biers got 10 runs tut out of 18 hs has hasinger inger enlivened 1 ine e proceeds edi gs by cr oat three i to two sackers aut ut of our times up a untie single resulting resul tin one trip to the plate garber helmeke hamilton young and monroe all made a bit hit count for two pillow A pretty double play was made by garber to petty to fl hassinger assinger helmeke lle sent eight of the railroaders back to the I 1 enca beach after three s jenkins one and 1 I 1 laim four monroe of hia its witha tha has touched up the pellet fire fife times in ei eight lit chances and leads the batting list list with a percentage of Il hamilton amilton follows with ja ud d helmeke close beaird with orr young garber garbet and 1 hat sieger are aill well above ilas has blazer eer air laird and alon oe alt all bave have perfect fielding averages average 4 price defeated mohrland Moh 12 42 to 8 A double play aas neatly nearly pulled by the locals no nn other details ile talla have beta in ide s huntington plays at helper buna hiawatha dt at price and F at casek gite |