Show PRICE TO HELPER PAVEMENT 0 KD 0 an 18 foot pavement from tho the helper alper bridge to the on main 41 street in prica price where the stat road goes south at aith he 9 pooyu poorhouse se s the plan of the elate state road coni assion endorsed by the county flemis amis at a haibt tuesday jn salt lake ahe estima estimated e cost is of which the cou county ty will py pay in the incorporated cities of price and helper the state will pay only i for the 18 foot width property owners owners to pay the balance balanc and rid the pavement put across the entire street the money to pay the share will not comenout come ont of the bond issue recently voted as that Is strictly for county rc read df jhb state road commission stated that it had promised the postoffice Post lice office department to keep the road open although the road roid ro id from wellington to soldier canyon has been thrown back upon the county and is no longer under state jurisdiction tito state officials spoke very favorably toward the price myton road and agreed to do their ebare share on the state section |