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Show ; CLASSIFIED ' KOK SALE OR LEASE: Paro j wan Cafe. Good opportunity for' couple to take over with small investment. Phone 2272 or contact J. W. Moore, 96 E. Center St. Adv. D-27. j Still waxing floors? Try the new Seal ('.loss acrylic finish for vinyl and linoleum. I Hunter Hardware and Appliance Adv. D-27. FOR RENT: 100 acres of fine level land. Will give renter all crops and use of Implements and pumps. First ranch South of Beryl on State Highway. Only 8 feet to water. Write Fred Koch, 4Xi35 E. Mavberry St., Hemct, Calif. Phone 658-5365. FOR SALE: 20 acres choice farm land. Good water right. Call 586 8926. Adv. D-20, tf. Best Insurance for the family is good treads on the tiros of your family oar. lHn't skid see Lunt-Heywood Tire Co. Adv. N 29, tf. W WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING YODER JEWELERS Corner of 500 West and Harding Phone 586-6840 Adv. N-29, tf. GOOD USED TIRES SS to $10 see at Lunt-Heywood Tire Co. 33 South Main Adv. N-29. tf. For Clean and Safe Storage or space to rent Call CEDAR CITY STORAGE CO., JU 6 -8683 or JU 6-6075. Adv. O. 4 tf. RENT a Singer. $6 per month Free delivery and pickup. Singei Sewing Machine Co., 47 N. Main. Phone JU 6-6461. Adv. J-25. Tf. FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished fur-nished cottage. See at 151 So. 100 East, or call 586-9538. Adv. N-29, tf. FOR RENT, in Parowan. two-bedroom two-bedroom furnished apt. Contact Rone Mackelprang. Call 2917 after af-ter 6 p. m. Adv. D 17, J-3. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom duplex apt, unfurnished. $50.00. See at 90 N. 900 W. or call 586-6316 after 5 p. m. Adv. D-27. Pd. There's no charge for use of Carpet Car-pet Shampooer with purchase of Blue Lustre Carpet Shampoo. Hunter Hardware and Appliance Adv. D-27. WANTED: Sewing machine mechanic. Exp. preferred. Training Train-ing program available for reliable reli-able young man interested In learning trade. Apply in person per-son or write full particulars to Pacific Trail Sportswear, 52 North Main, Richfield, Utah. Adv. D-20, 27. J-3. Osborn's Mobile Lockshop Repairs Re-pairs Locks and Makes Keys. 144 East Center. Call 586-8420. Adv. D-20, 27. Pd. WOMAN WANTED: Account-ing Account-ing clerk and cashier. Prefer ex-counting ex-counting experience or schooling. school-ing. Should be able to type. Good salary, good hours, excellent fringe benefits. Contact Commercial Commer-cial Credit, 23 West Center, Cedar City, Utah. Adv. D-20. Tf. FOR SALE: Large modern two bedroom brick home 114 North 700 West. Call 586-6150. Adv. Dec. 20. 27, Jan. 3. 10. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom home with carpet, drapes and landscapes. land-scapes. Contains 1460 square feet plus car port. GI Loan. See at 463 Kayenta Circle or call 586-8926. Adv. D-20, tf. FOR SALE Two-bedroom brick and redwood home with partial basement, split level back yard, fenced with covered patio area. Sale price includes complete drapes, wall-to-wall carpeting In living room and bedrooms. Hot Point refrigerator refrig-erator and double oven stove. Located Lo-cated at 15 Circleway Drive. Sale price $18,000. Contact J. M. Amend, JU 6-9374. Adv. A-9. Tf. FOR SALE 33 ft Travel ite trailer air cond., new paint, very , good cond. See at Ray's trailer Court. Call 586 9724. ' Adv. D 27. Jan-3 pd. WANTED Men to Train for the MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY For livestock buyer, lamb buyer trainee and other positions. Prefer men with agricultural or livestock I background. Age 21 to 50. Give summary of working or business experience. Write NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MEAT PACKING , Box No. 1050 Iron County Record |