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Show IcSALE Flats - Dress Hee!s Casuals Values to $13.93 Children's . $7.99 Values to $8.95 $4.99 2 pair $5.00 STARTS DECEMBER 27 GARDON'S feT? PROGRESS AND )& fernS PROSPERITY IN SO) H VvA You don't need a crystal boll to V t3&yv see ,hat 1963 has "what it takes" to accelerate our progress, to lift t V lfX'' I ,he ,eve' f our prosperity to new ;k4W "highs." Looks like a great New ikW? r Yearl i &v r i For yu' we noPe tnf 1 963 will Up t0 ltJ "ac,vance notices" in o?'W4 every deta!l brln9 you 0,1 ,hat h 't'y!' yu wi$h for departing, 1 Vf STEVENS COMPANY T" 'r CEDAR CITY, UTAH NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a lien for repairs to and storage of a 1956 Rambler 4 -door station wagon, serial number D293027, Is being foreclosed by Advertisement for Sale. The amount claimed by the undersigned lienholder Is the sum of $180.00 for repairs and storage. The time and place of the foreclosure fore-closure sale is Saturday, the 29th day of December at the hour of twelve o'clock noon of said day at the shop of the undersigned lienholder at 100 South Main, Ce-dar Ce-dar City, Utah, at which time and place the above described vehicle will be sold by the Sheriff of Iron County, Utah to the highest bidder. Dated this 20th day of December, Decem-ber, 1962. UTAH RAMBLE. Uonhold.r Dec. 20, 27, 1962. GOING, GOING, With all the speed of a rapid-fire auctioneer, a little Want Ad in this paper will sell whatever it is you wish to dispose of. Just phone us! Phone JU 6-8426 Iron County Record COLOR IP IF Hi SPACE FfTIX f23 fxUH wien yu Pen 0 savings L $ account of 25 or more PA P -or dd '25 to any U &LsCTESia savings ac.ount at FIRST SECURITY BANK ssss .,m rlrSiSnl frrfCJV U, --r-r- r-s-i Iv-'!...'.' TJOTna&TiraJ f, HjllJijiJiij ;. I '.M-'hiI..!T'Sm I lll-'-l Mill "' ; "ln HERE ARE SOME OF THE How far is it from the Earth to the Sun? MANY THINGS ON THIS Mow many da5 do 't take to fly from Earth to Rir; map nr nntpo prc Venus in a racc ship? DoM JuDi,cr have 7 12 Bib MAP OF OUUK SPACE moons? What an1 asteroid? These questions and many, many more can be answered with this colorful, 3 x 4 Th Sun, 9 planch and thif moon.. foot map. It will also enable you lo fol'ow space flights. Distant of plonH from th Sun. Rvlativ tiia of tha planets. , i tit . Tim. rquir. for ft. plon.H lo ,derl f?f J'" Thi unu P "ake$ it rvolv around th Sun. casy ,or bo,h chll"fcn and adults to learn about our Tim, p.... volv. .n th.i, ow jranTd'rchcn-V'r- " ""r-," "' aJdi,in ....... ... 10 any acn. children s room or family room. Comes Arl.. . drawmq. of h. p. and compactly folded in protective polvethvlcnc bag astoroidt; alto how tho vnivert ' wot formod. Ditlanc chart (or radar end radio df""! communications. jf I Intorplanotary woiaht thorf. lor" ,h hih" banl J A I T 7 SpcKOshiptimohodul... intoro.1 paid .nywhor. f Ml K) Glossary of Spaco Ac,. T.rmim,lofly. wlv. month f ( Arti.fl drawing, of Ih. Milky Way i"B. i -J Z ZJ and ethor gclaaiot. 1 FIRST SECURITY BANK 1 . t I - . ,, |