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Show Anglers Must Display 1962 License Till April. Says Dept. "Don't throw that license ' away," spokesmen for the Department De-partment of Fish and Game reminded re-minded today. With the advent of the 13 angling regulation and the tremendous tre-mendous number of angling opportunities op-portunities remaining for Utah anglers through the coming win-; tor period, the 1902 license must j be possessed and visibly display-1 ed whenever afield until April 16, i 1963. Under the Utah law the fish and game license year Is set to run from April 16 through April 15 of the year following. Resident Juvenile reaching the age of 12 years, or anyone having hav-ing lost or destroyed their 1962 license, must purchase a new or duplicate 1962 issue before going afield to angle prior to April 16. |