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Show ! CEDAR CITY SOCIAL SWING The Christmas party has become be-come an annual at. an tor employees em-ployees of the Koal Krccl Koal Company mine. This year the yule event and combination birthday party honoring Guy C. Tucker was held Friday, Dec. 21, at the Airport Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tucker arranged the event which included a buffet supper with birthday cake and Christmas Christ-mas gifts for everyone. There to enjoy the party were Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Robb, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Alger along with Mr. and Mrs. Dclynn Olds, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Esplin, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Alger, Mr. and Mrs. Vernile Terry and Mr. and Mrs. Duard Schoppman. Also invited were Mr. and Mrs. Art Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pace ol Cedar City are anticipating a holiday trip to Ogden, Utah where will visit with their daughter daugh-ter Carolyn and son-in-law John Wainwright. The local couple are particularly anxious to make the trip north as they will be meeting Carolyn and John's new arrival, a boy born December 8. Mr. and Mrs. Pace will spend the New Year season In Ogden. Of interest to local residents is the recent wedding of Polly Anna Haws of Vernal, Utah to Mr. Lyle Southam. The new bride is the daughter of former Cedar City residents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Haws. Mr. Haws was once a teacher at the Cedar City Junior High School. He is now serving as a Superintendent in Wayne County. Attending a reception for the couple Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tucker and daughters, Phyllis and Susan. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Perry left last week to spend the holidays In Phoenix, Ariz. "I'll be home for Christmas," Is the theme song for many former for-mer residents who have returned In the last few days to spend the happiness of the season with their fi lends and families. Arriving Ar-riving Friday evening was Miss Gayle Knell, who plans a visit with friends and an aunt and uncle. At the Eugene Palmer residence, the Palmer family greeted Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Snow and son. Miss Judy Lunt, who teaches school in California, Is happy to be at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lunt. At the home of the L. M. Joneses is their daughter, Cynthia and her guest. Mr. Barry Line, who will return to their homes in California Califor-nia following a ten-day visit. Miss Jill Smith, employed by the telephone company in Salt Lake City, Is here with her family at the Wallace Osborne home. H. H. CLUB Red, green, silver and gold told the Christmas story In decor at the home of Arvilla Adams Thurj.lay afternoon as members of the H. II. Club met for their annual holiday party. Committee Commit-tee Alice Taylor, Arvilla Adams and Roka McGIochlin arranged for the affair. During the social Elene Jenson provided a mood for Christmas by presenting a delightful Christmas story to the fourteen ladies on hand. Following Follow-ing the entertainment, gifts were-exchanged. were-exchanged. The Bureau of Land Management Manage-ment employes and their partners part-ners enjoyed a yule dinner last week as part of their Christmas socializing. The event, which featured a variety of games, the traditional gift exchange and a delicious dinner was planned by wives of the employes and was held at the Airport Cafe. Invited to a Saturday night party were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stoker, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Mead Forsyth, Mr and Mrs. Harold Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Avervtt and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes. The-couples The-couples were Invited by the Van Esplins to participate in a pre-Christmas pre-Christmas dinner. After dinner the guests visited and enjoyed sessions of pinochle. Arriving Saturday to spend Christmas with their daughter and family were Mr. and Mrs. William Cornu of Pamona, Calif. They plan to spend the holidays at the Douglas Clark residence. It was a merry Christmas at the Clifton L, Chatterley residence resi-dence this week with all the Chatterley family home to enjoy the occasion. Arriving from Salt Lake City were Mr. and Mrs. John Chatterley, John is employed employ-ed at Sperry-Rand and his wife-is wife-is a nurse at the L. D. S. Hospital. Hospi-tal. Here from her studies irr Logan is Phyllis Chatterley home for the holidays. Eleven members of the M. R W. group enjoyed a Christmas party topether at the home of Zelpha Wood. Each one brought a gift to present to her secret pal of the year. Refreshments In keeping with the festive occasion were servd by the hostess after which they enjoyed playing Canasta. Ca-nasta. Holidr.y guests at the Claude' Smith home are Mrs. Smith's parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene La-horde. La-horde. The Labordcs are also en-Joying en-Joying the company of Claudette Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Smith during their stay here from Pomona, Calif. |