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Show Civil Defense Plans Public m Education Campaign Civil Defense organization will undergo an extensive campaign In 1963 to educate citizens to the r.e-c-da ul shelters and emergency rations of food, water and clothing, cloth-ing, it was reported recently by Leonard Higgins of the State Civ-11 Civ-11 Defense organization. Following an Inspection of facilities fa-cilities In Iron County he reported, report-ed, with Haldow E. Christensen, Iron County CD chairman, that the county organization is operational oper-ational and adequately staffed. However, the need for better public cooperation Is evident here as it Is throughout the state, the CD leader emphasized. There Is nowhere for anyone to go with the threat of nuclear war, and this creates the new problem of the CD that Is one of Individual and public shelters to survive possible attacks. In Cedar City, It was reported a survey has been made and several buildings, including those of the school, have been inspected inspect-ed and declared acceptable for public shelters. Agreements with owners have been reached and the process of marking and storing stor-ing at these shelters Is now ready rea-dy to be undertaken. During the coming week proper prop-er Identification Is expected to be made of the buildings and early In 1963 stocking of necessary neces-sary supplies will begin under the direction of the Civil Defense, De-fense, the two leaders stated. It was also pointed out that coal mines located within a short distance of Cedar City were Inspected In-spected and met requirements of public shelters with capacities of over 1000 each. At a later date it is hoped that these mines can also be adequately supplied with emergency supplies. Christensen also pointed out that other types of educational activities are currently being undertaken un-dertaken throughout the county In order that cltlens may be better equipped to meet possible emergencies. These include, among others, the self medical training program which is being taught in private homes to small groups and through the evening school program at College of Southern Utah. Further Investigation of possible possi-ble shelters In other communities communi-ties throughout the country Is ( also under way. |