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Show ADVERTISING OUTER VorTeSI MAKI RISERVATIONS NOW ,vV FOR XMAS AND NIW YIAR'S Z! - HOLIDAY SHOWS I '"'''"TN Irant Saota Now at 6oa-OfhVa f IV MoU RICHARD sftM:. HARRIS JOg amBgaiH laW 1 1 ','aVL'Il ,Mtf ffXl I 'i a hTlaCMaiTS3agIS muiw on THE BCUMIYEmef i nun ricruft CHRISTMAS WltK SCHtDVLt OacvNibar 15th thrfh Jarosry lit , MATINEES DAILY AT 2 P.M.-IVININGS AT 8:39 P.M. txausrvi mad shsw ensacement - wow showing rIS I MAfl ORDItl TO CI NTH TMIATRI, IAIT IAKI CITT. UTAN I .prkM- j I fVfNINOI -AriNiri I I Pel, -. 4 aMayt tat , fcra. mt4 W.Heay UMaaillN It M m 12 66 I tm. Ik Thaw, l JaVU M Al Oaaeea II J6 aa IH N"'"8 Mrw yiai rvi -11 m a4 u m) j Experimenfatic: FenHdafion for eepper i 1111 At Kennecolt, today's mining and processing operations are only part of the copper production ( ?Tr tory. Equally important ia the constant effort , k-v management to aure a sound future for V this major Utah industry. ry w m The foundation for the future i a vat program I r 111 'mlrove a" operations and meet copper I tvi II production moat serious problem . . . handling more ore and overburden to produce the same -i. , f amount of copper. r Experimentation with the vje of equipment "V pictured on this page exemplifies the program. ' J f t " Success in any one experiment i never accepted Zr S permanent solution. Rather it is treated as a iiir I Wl 1 spur to achieve even greater improvement. Y jfa III Continual experimentation at Kennecolt jJjL proide I'tah with the bet poible foundation Sv IJflijfj for successful copper production for many yeara -s "". lo come. M Copper Corporation P"jj Cnoyon Min being hnJ to Improve drilling operations J Utah OoppCT DJvjsiOIl "'. . lr So copper hi ' ' "i ' ' , oloclrolytk tonkt. L5J i r " bvlfah wp booth U provowt iwwlormlwiwy dih. |