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Show Ten Reasons for Measles Immunization -.4 ST Of th 20 million children who hav ntvor had measles, tako any ten and you'vo got tan good raaaona for msasles Immunization. The llluatratlon abova suggests atatlatlcally what will happe.t If a vaccina lan't uaed. 8oonar or later, almoat everyone gets mcaalaa. And each on who does, accord. Ing to the U.S. Publlo Health Sendee, runs a l-to-l.OOO cba ce of getting meaalea encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain. One of every ten measles encephalitis en-cephalitis victims dies. A higher percentage suffer permanent brain injury, with mental re-tardatlon re-tardatlon and sight, hearing, and behavioral problems. There are other measles com. plications, Including pneumonia, but danger of encephalitis alone makes physicians wonder why parents aubject their chlldrr-u to such a risk. At a recent national conference confer-ence of the United - Cerebral Palsy Aasociatlona in Loa Angeles, An-geles, John M. Adams, M.D., professor pro-fessor of pedlatrica at the University Uni-versity of California Medical School, said:, "I don't under. . stand this Indifference to measles. You Wouldn't take that kind of risk in an airplane. And I doubt li you would drive on the freeways with those odds." Luther L. Terry, M.D., surgeon, general of the U.8. Publlo Health Service, haa pointed out that last year nearly 600 American children -died from -meaalea. Measles cauaea more deatha annually an-nually than any other Infectious dlseaae of childhood. Noting that safe measles vac. clnes are now available. Dr. Terry said: "I urge all parents of children who have not had measles to see their physicians or . health departments 'about measles vaccination without delay. de-lay. Let's Immunise the children of America against their enemy, measles." |