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Show 1 John Hunter Wins in Legion Auxiliary Contest j Nine members ol the Cedar City post of the American Legion Auxiliary traveled to St. George Friday, April 23, to attend the American Legion and Auxiliary District Seven Convention. A banquet ban-quet was served, meetings were held, and reports were given from each Individual auxiliary. The reports related Information on the past year's projects. ' At the convention, it was announced an-nounced that John Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hunter, was among the First place winners in the essay contest, "One Nation Under God." The Cedar City Auxiliary post received a national citation for I going above the maximum mem- bership quota. ; All district and state officers were in attendance at the con- ! vention. New officers were elected elect-ed to serve for the next year. Donna Hamblln was elected president pre-sident with Ethel Bayles as first vice president and Alta YarcUey as second vice president. Nettie Baldwin was elected historian Mary Cram, secretary and Helene McAlister as chaplin. |