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Show otliT unlawful methods of U-rrorUm unl?r nprtuin cmt i t ions : ;i u I Imrizin" Hi? vmtens;i-tion vmtens;i-tion of niml muil curriers nr their lieirs fnr injuries rrt'Hveil while on ilntv; to vll initiate t lie uffossi ty fnr rrnt. of !h expenses ami work in n!; Tier I ien with t he dead ler ter division di-vision of t lit piisinf ficc liepii rl ment ; to punish tin- &pe i-u In t iui by any person or body of per-sens per-sens f'T tin- pur post- of ccrnerinc the market : (j pension lie hurvi vnrs of eermin wars from .January 1, ISTiK, to .laiiuary 1. 188S. iiclusive; to prut net; I lie rlsli I n of women ci tizens of the I uited Ninths to n-jiiMer nnd von for sena-t"rs sena-t"rs ami in em hers t" t he h-Mise of represent n -t i veu ; f.ir uddi tion a I a p propria tlonn fr f edern 1 birldhips nf Sand Point and ('oner dWleue: fr.r the purchase of ttl-n f r federal hnililinpH ill Payette and WUer; for Hie erection of federal buildiuK " N a in pa and l'ald-. .dl. FRENCH OF IDAHO HAS MEASURES OF INTEREST TO STATE h'per-ial to The Tribune.. WASH I Ni; TON. May 22. TJ.prpeUt n H vp Fretieh ef Idaho in t r-luced die follow inj: bills: Addtny certain hind-, to the fd:-lio i(itd tlo-P;jyene tlo-P;jyene national firesls; to ailtonri.e the ad-rli ad-rli l Ion of certain l.inds m the Wnlser tin linnal forest; to restore hme-.t i-atl rlphts iv settlers on. the (V-nr d'.Mene Imlian re-. -rva t Ion ; to ee.ni iy tn i in eui ii I y of K ooi eiia t i'cr: ai'i lands for poblie pa rk purposes ; ,, prov uje f.,r fin invest i inn ;uul rpnrr nd a I i ve to the. iidop-t iidop-t inn of u ystMM of old ae iiiMi'-ance; in provide pro-vide fnr t Im erect of :i sell O' ' 1 h i p t, for the d"t;.ehed Indians li villi; in I he. K-doai vah-v: to p,'..i i:le f.ir I li" I'll i'nreein ell T of -jS U j 11 I mi i -in re-.erv:i I ioti nnd u per in i em lei'i-je-. ; re l.-itiiiK 'o the l:rn:taM'-n ef 'noirs of daily er- j viee of it i)'-n-r- a'irt mei-i.a ni' -; employed in ; I timber n rid oo.-ti . .rk ui z ir.ilu-1 rtes wlin-,o prod -in-;s enter in lo iutei'sta t e ooin xnrrn. a n e(::h t -heiir bill; to pro -no' e t ln c;i f "t y of t r:i velers and i inplcyees upon rjntmads by roinptdlini; eentmf.:t i'.i rners eoau'ed iri i n nr-1 a ie c:n -nteree m n;op! un i foroi rules for the .prra 1 iuti uf ra i l road 1 1 a inv. mid h use a uni furtn system sys-tem of s i' Is for a ul h prizing i lie movenien t of railroad tram--: ,j pien-ut the ieaehir.5 t ad', ocacy of crime, sab'dr.e, vioicacL, or |