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Show Kind of ;i!'my into the field, hut such ;i ii a ray would most certainly be defeated de-feated ;uid some portions of Germany '.voiild bo U-i'l in the s:imo (.ondilion as i m:!l:uiii nnd norrin-rn L'raiK'e, ;ind t lie prjo;.-; would not have any (daim fur rc;i.ur;;.i ion or ind'1. 'unity. K-d'usal to si.'jn t!;e treaty then would mean the further ;sh.'ddi n of blood and the hard-'Uiin hard-'Uiin of hearts on the side of the allies. al-lies. Wo j re not prepared to believe lha.t fiennany intends to comrnit yui-ride yui-ride as a nation. Yet that is what refusal to siri amounts to, and the Berlin Ber-lin bluffers are well aware of the fact. There will he no difficulty in coining to lerms with Austria. So, if the Germans Ger-mans take their medicine quietly in the four:-e of the next few days and the Kalians can lie induced to listen to reason, rea-son, the conference at Versailles will soon be a thing of the past and there will he a fjreat revival of industry and business all over the "worjd. The revival re-vival in this country, of course, will not nee u r until the United Slates senate rat if ies the treaty and league of na-finns na-finns covenant, an event "which may not take place until after long debate. Still there is murdi ground for hope that the mists will be cleared away some time during the summer and that we shall hear less about "the next war." I'EACE DELAYED. Germany has been granted an addi-tional addi-tional seven days in wdiiidi to make submission sub-mission to tho terms imposed by the ; Versailles conference. The independent independ-ent socialists favor the signing of the treaty. bankers, manufacturers and business men generally likewiso believe ' in peace at any price as soon as possible pos-sible The military aulhoril ies, wdio are well aware of the defenseless condition ..o,,the country, also favor acceptance of tho terms as presented. Scheideniann and Koske, who are responsible for many exaggeraled statements, may find it difficult to retrace their steps and thoro is a strong probability thaL the present government, will Ioso out unless the leaders find some means of backing back-ing down gracefully before the allies put on the screws. Germany, having bcon almost ruined by the military ' . caHte, seems to have fallen into the ' hands of loud-mouthed politicians who, unless restrained, may bring on an overwhelming over-whelming catastrophe which will culminate culmi-nate in the complete destruction of ': their country. Germany has nothing to 'j gain by obduracy and all to lose. While the representatives of the al-; al-; lied and associated powers are watting j for the German reply they have taken 'I occasion to ask It aly the reason for j tho'landing of Italian forces in Turkey, which occurred during the period when Premier Orlando and Foreign Minister ' So mi i no had withdrawn from the conference. con-ference. The incident is said to compli- j cate the Turkish problem. It was bad eno.ugh' for the Italians to rush troops '' to Fiume and Dalmatia to take poscs-j poscs-j sion while their claims were being dis- cussed. But the invasion of Asia Minor ' is far worse, since the Italians have not the shadow of a claim upon any of this territory. No doubt the author-- author-- itics at Rome and the Italian delegates at Versailles realize Hint once the league of nations is formed, futurac- quisitions of territory will be next to impossible. Consequently it is reasonable reason-able to suppose that they are trying to grab as much as possible before tho pact is signed. Premier Ycnizclos figures fig-ures in the latest controversy, the Italians Ital-ians having landed troops at Smyrna, where Greek soldiers were also landed, and which is under the jurisdiction of the Hellenic kingdom. The Italian statesmen do not seem to be willing to live and let live. ftTie war having resulted in the overthrow j of the Hohenzollcrus and llapsburgs and the Crushing of Germany and Aus- ( tria-Hungary, the Italians think they see an opportunity to become a great military and commercial power and thus revive the ancient glories of Koine. But they do not take into consideration the fact that if the support of the United States, Great Britain and Trance is withdrawn their house of cards would , immediately tumble and it could not be rebuilt. The Italians have been playing play-ing a dangerous game at Versailles, and if they should succeed in preventing prevent-ing the formation of a league of nations na-tions or should remain outside, if one id formed, they would be almost entirely friendless among the peoples of' the ; world, and they could not hope to retrain re-train the gains they have made by rea-,-,son of being on the winning side of ; tho great war. The Italians are not entitled to a mandate in Asia Minor, and the presence of Roman troops will surely provoke a clash sooner or later. We have no means of knowing how far tho Italians will carry out their program pro-gram before meeting with a most decided de-cided check, but we are satisfied that the Germans will come down from their high horse before the present time limit --expires. But should it so happen that at the end of seven days they still re-fuse to sign tho peace treaty, the British, Brit-ish, French and American troops will tako measures to force compliance with .the verdict rendered by the conference. Field Marshal l-'och went back to the . front several days ago. Lieut enant General Liggett and Major General Hincs of the American army, who were on their way to London, have been recalled by General Pershing, the United Unit-ed States troops which were to partlci-"patc partlci-"patc in the empire day festivities at London arc being held to await eventualities. eventu-alities. In addition, nine hundred motor mo-tor trucks began to nunc Tuesday nihl from west of tho Rhine to the bridgehead bridge-head area. These trucks have been distributed to various points of advantage advan-tage among the 1 roops holding the .one eawt of the Rhine, should the occasion 'arise for the Ami ricans to start an ad- . . . . Ji |