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Show Nolan, former codefendant of Mooney and one of the principal agitators lor the strike, is president of the lodge. The Detroit Federation of Labor has indorsed in-dorsed the proposed strike and will endeavor en-deavor to get the .American Federation of Labor to take similar action, executives of the International Workers' Defense league announced here today. Of 240 big unions outside of the industrial centers 220 have voted the strike, it was announced. MOONEY STRIKE IS REJECTED BY LODGE S A N PR A N C TSCO. M ay 22. Rejection of a proposal that they participate in the propused na tion wide si rike in behalf of ; Thomas J. Mooney and Warren K. Rit-hims Rit-hims was announned by the San Franeisro I Machinists lodge iiere today. Edward D. j |