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Show nier p.ml will Pe especially vaNnhlo ) L-chool tcMclurs lec;iuse they w'H be a; ' to read the books iliirm:,- their viu-.il and thus iret college credit for. plccsii , able work. i ; COURSE TO BE GIVEN BY CORRESPONDENCE Special to The Tribune. ? LOGAN", May 22. The correspondence-study correspondence-study department of the Utah Agricultural Agricul-tural college has procured the sorees of Mrs. Leon Fonnesbeck to teach a correspondence cor-respondence course In the modern novel for teaehera, who cannot attend summer school, but desire to do some work by correspondence for which t hey may receive re-ceive credit, according to Pr. J. H. Linford, Lin-ford, director of the department. The course will be given hi the sum- |