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Show iilES adiffeience" weem tiey break our wayonctTeip s .EVEN OAK BOOTS HELP SALT LAKE TO PILE UP RUNS Mr. Holiing Victim of Misplays; Not Ac-ountable Ac-ountable for Single Tally Until Eighth; Errors Also Make Sledding Hard for Main; Battery Bat-tery Wobbles Responsible for Three Counters. a S ill L;ikc 0;ik!and S; ! Lake 11. I Sacramento Vernon 2, ranu uU 1. it JiOS -Angeles Seattle D; Angeles ". a Oakland Portland 9; San iid:-co 0. j VJf 'I ;.'T(,Y lhe Oaiv:-i ciin't -stand pni..j,i-i-ity. Al't;r roinpin.; off wKh t o hi.-r vi.Lurh- in tho iirerfun t MTirs, thoy bl:v a tiro In their I'l-'Mni- yr:;lorday and Salt Lake 11 !u s. The. ("i.iks wfie guilty of m r.-.-iirdfd iniplays and, a few othcra v. !; not rt i-nnlcd. Ycum:; Mr. Jlul-pil.'hrd Jlul-pil.'hrd a I'n i Kamo of ball inub-r rii.-s. Km- iHifif: of tho first (d;,'ht 't:(".j Kr.-s nutdo wan In; K''Sion.sllk(. '.'fit liuu liii-uiiLly ur initii'L-ii ly lo mia- lr ,:kf wiijj not fi'co. from errors, .I..ln hiins.-lf ..-Lmlrioiil.""! a rou-i:' rou-i:' he ii-s that iudjji'd tin; U;l1us alon. 'liiinii.H s '.! i ;t''li- was ii-fst ntt-d in :'!'iy's k.uiio (if llri-o haltery errors i in'-; Iliri'i' rims to srorc. J t Is not 1 i n;i i wilil i i I rht'H and passed hiilla :o M;iri'.;roii,ily bunched in a yamu. ;n(-cight Safe Hits. '.-re is some tall and fancy bitting "'c1 :iie, t"o, 'j'ho v isit (rs rolloet od fen liits o:'i .Main and tho locals got :di;ir ninnh"!- nl'!' I lolling. I' mosf deadlv blow I ho Oaks rnoc-ivod a double ity JInlvey in the sixth In-thai In-thai cleared tho bases of three oc- ' unst prnfltahlo hitline; for the hit-wis hit-wis tin' wo-Iaso drive Jack Itoche i against Tun .sliirt si.n in the ninth, was in only for' a little while, but as In Ion- enouLrh to adorn himself a new piece (if scenery, wes Main's first appearance for Salt . and lu- starts off for lii.-i new boss a victory. Moiling noticeably weak-hi weak-hi the eiirath innincr. wtieu the Hees t.i him heavily and when he also lost id. Probably it was because of tiie 'ory of what his friends -did to him iiMi.-Iv thai caused him to blow, or ;ps it was because the ame appeared : lo.-d, anyway; or maybe it was just use of the lujjh altitude, was uie first vistory for the Iees in :,.iie-. Th"- worked hard to et it, 'icy seemingly hadn't won it until the .inn for the visitors fanned in the ,i iunin:-;. (aiion Fatal. I' Acorns mUht liavo scoretl a mil -.ir i:i the wry first i u nincr. ' wlitn im.cied M:in for four liits. two of i doubles, yet thoy scored only once, l.ition wnhzes on tiie base lines were for them. ,t h 1 a ne out. lohne doubled and .'s poor throw to second put Billy iii.'d. lie scored on W'ilie's single. V tiit a double to riylu, .but Wilte .UK U'ou:;iit tiie ball was .uoins? to : u. ':',, lie stuck around near voc-:i voc-:i ad was lauded out. IMuimhy jrot a !r, ovim- siiort. Miller went to third, t'.cat tvui far and lie was tailed out v lie could Rot l.uiek, Johnson to Mul- '. .isoii 1 i ved on Titt'nne's error and 1 to third on Sheely's hit. A feint ' doul.de steal found tr'heely in a near tinwu between first and second, but :.'s tos struck l-'arl lu the back and ; on scored on lhe error. s Receive Gift. c visiiors made a couple of un-d un-d runs in t he lourih. Km:? booted ay's roller a nj Stumpfs single put on t bird. He scored on a passed which a iso put Stumpf on second, latter went to third on Elliott's out-out out-out and scored on a wild pitch. " r.C'.s collected one in their half of bmrth. Kru'-r singled and Mulligan . him at second. .Mulligan was iven l for a stolen base on a doubtful in which a dropped ball figured, v dropped one in front of y tumpf i:i!l made a low throw to first, Mulii--coring on the hir and error, .me's single, W'ilie's triple and Mil-Id1, Mil-Id1, gave the (.aks two In the fiftn. Pees got 'eai haci-t in their ha'f. 'alked and MaL'i;ert doubled, lioth d wiien iioP's throw to third, in a.u i;it lo nip Main, wont to the out- ! visitors took one in the sixth on Arlett 's single, KUioit's double and a s Win in Sixth. ;- l :e -s mad'"' four in that inning and ;yvr a-a in ca u;-hr . Sn nds a I'd .- i'o;c.ed I he bail over the short-liead. short-liead. and Arlett foozled up Main'.s -p-id saei-ifiee, a'.td t'ne Pases Were A i . i u o t hi i to Po'die at first, who made a low throw of it to tho plate and Sands was safe. After Johnson had skied out, Muivey rammed the ball into center, scoring Byler, Main and Mugger t. The Bees made three more in the eicrhth. Main started the Inning by popping pop-ping out. Maggert singled and Johnson popped. Mulvey's hit put Maggert on t bird. -A hit by Sheely scored Maggert. Krug walked and the bases were full. A wild pitch let Muivey in, and walkis for M ulligan and Sands forced in Shcely. The three runs come under the head of "responsible for." The visi tors score twice In their half of tiie ninth. Itoche hit the fence for two bases. Then there were two outs, ami Murphy hit safely, scoring Roche. Rod stole second and third unmolested and counted on a wild pitch. S tumpf fanned to end tho (fadngs. The clubs will play again at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. |