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Show 109(1 PpfPif! luZUJjiffil! ii! S3 if Republican Leaders at ! Washington Consider Presidential Battle. WAPHIN'GTO.V, Mr-y ii'J. Ham for the JDS') jrci I '.'ii 1. ea rn p;t i;:n wen disc u:;.vd y I : - p n 1 j 1 i c : i ri n.vii :t:id , wouu-n from ;il! s'nles ;i! !.- -unns tod:y, t)cal; a luodrty con f"-j- urn u i 1 h 1 tVill 11. liny s, n;i 1 ion;d -0' n mi t. '.cu hal v- ' .nan. Discission ccjit c-i-i-'t r ii how the women limy help win tho elrrt.imi with tho central though!, htiug tlmt sep:i r:i c women 'a orani..) tiom; ro not, to hn a part., cA'cepl tempo rari y, of I he to- Preceding a hauipi't InniL'Jit, at which ilr. rf:ivst enalor f 'u m m i us of Iowa, presided t, pro tein. ul' I lit; senate, and Speaker (illicit of tin1 iuiuso wen; speakers, tlm women alhered with state chairmen to listen tn I lie political advtco given ,y Republican Leader Lodo of tho senate and .Mr. lluy.-i. ' ' will not. discuss t in; lea-iu; of nn t ions, " ha id Mr. Lode, " a It lion it has been on my mind a little. Tho loauo of nations is not a party question.' ques-tion.' It is an A m erica n pi est ion, and if there is any t hi ng thai, t in; We publican pub-lican party can do it is to dispose of American questions. ' ' Until Senator Lodfjo and )ir, Hays congratulated the women on I heir cn-trani-o into politics, the latter also telling tell-ing tho conference that the women must not work as a woman's orji ui.ation, but. as part of tho Kepublicau orjaui-zat orjaui-zat ion. - Senator Cummins, creeling tho womnn as ''fellow hYpuhlicans ' ' at tho bauojuet tonight, eril icised President Wilson for alleged seizure of legislative funciions of congress. "J'Vir six years,1' ho said, "there has been a cimi i n nous, determined effort in tho executive department to acquire all the powers of government, save only judicial nut hority, rind oven that has nor. entirely escaped unwarrantable interference. in-terference. L'uring the whole of the present administration the real representatives repre-sentatives of t ho people, chosen to make laws and establish policies, have done little more than to record the will of an absolute master." |