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Show Cosmetics only hide sldn trouble: T? Oft i 11 ol pkessick Cr Whether it is a serious affection like Rr5!"!"""i' etcma, or just a pimply, rough and un- ng ,1." c.u,';!i1r" auractive complexion, you can usually rr brittle t .e ".-. rely on Resinol Ointment and Resinol .tr,-,C;vk:;ic(.:i.rdtii;! , Soap to set it right, promptly, easily and ''iia-s'J ' ' at little cost. Resinol Ointment steps o"e'ss, iw Ur" ' ;, iW.hillg illStdUth'. drult. snj lorm mnr-i, I Hie daily use" o Resinol Soap for the ''' !! tonct is suincient too keep nivst coin- ?n ct.ts 1.l,r. c;. : plexions clear, fresh and g lowing, s.j v , ... . r tfjfa" s . Jita'fe emmel forau I 111fPhee&M?Ginnity6S! I 41 South Main. Wasatch 1270. ' BATH I t That bright mid 'cheerful r store ROOMS fj Poor Eve! Poor Adam? They never bad 'em ! ) P )v No sinks! No tub! Nowhere to scrub! A (U i j No enameled room in all that gloom y rVl tyJy 0 Edon' To"sh luck ! Think of llieir pluck Li) ')) lfW T smile at a11 wi(-11 110 wkile 1va11 'VlfVY wlSrf' Ov tub or even cup nothing white to cheer 'em up. Ill Oh, woodwork white! Oh, Em-o-lite! In H M 01lly you Imil helped those two Zilk They'd be, we bet, in the Garden yet! Stop Itching Skin There is one safe, dependable treat-tent treat-tent that relieves itching torture and skin irritation almost instantly and hat cleanses and soothes the skin. Askanydruggist for a 35c or $1 bottle olZemo and apply it asdirected. Soon to will find that irritations, pimples, b!ickheads,eczema,blotches,ringworm aid similar skin troubles will disappear. A little Zemo, the penetrating, satis-fyisg satis-fyisg liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions, makes Bie skin soft, smooth and healthy. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. fruity flavored j i j1 ( "always YesVi :.; The Table Oil Par Excellence 1 -i I This Season's Pressing j Sold Everywhere j; Are Impossible While Coras ' and Galluses Trouble Them. , I This all can be overcome by using Ego, the world's greatest corn re- , 1 mover. The first application stops all pain, and after a few applications 1 1 9 the corn peels right off without pain or soreness. Get a bottle today it 7 and rid yourself of those beastly corns and calluses. Sold by druggiM.s ' 1 8 everywhere in Salt Lako City by Sehrainm-Jolmson, Drugs; Z. C. M. 1. ' ' i Drug Co., Owl Drug Co., Dayton Drug Co., Willes-Horne Drug Co., Hoover : Drug Co., Rex Drug Co., Druchl Drug Co., Eichmoud Drug Co., West Side j I Drug Co., Sherwood Pharmacy, Frainpton Drug Co., llorsley Drug Co., j; S Taylor Drug Store, or sent to any address in U. S. A. for 23 cents by 1 1 the Ego Remedy Co., 222 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. (Adv.) : , I Strength j WOMEN NEED STRENGTH to meet the stress of life during these troublous tiroes. Worry, auziety or sorrow undermine under-mine Gtreufith and health. To be utrontf and well, all the organs of the body must peroraj th functiona assigned to them by nature. 61eyBdneypffls 1 help wcA, overworked or diseased kidney and bladder to normal nd healthy action, to that the system is freed from waste end poisonous poison-ous matter that causes backache, pains in eide. Bore muscles, at iff joints, lumbago, rheumatism, piiiSnces under eyes and kindred symptoms. Mrs. J. D. Miller, Syracuse, N. Y., writes: 'For many years, ofT and on, I Buffered froaa kidney trouble and rheumatism. I had a severe backache and felt miserable, and I ot to a place where 1 find to do something. I bought I'olcy Kidney Pills and after taking two bottles I can ; eiy my backache ia gone, and where I ured to lie awake nights with rheumatic pains, I aovr lecp in comfort and enjoy a fiood nifiht'B rest, Foley Kidney Pilia did wonderful thinfi3 for mc. and 1 recoxnmcud them." Pcnromm-Johnson, DniKfl, "The Never SubfitUutors." Five 45) Hood Stor- YOUR BIGGEST. BEST WORK. ; r is done before noon. For breakfast eat two or three SftreddecS Wlisat Biscuits with mi!!c or cream and a little fruit. It supplies all the strength-giving nutriment needed for a h&if day s work at a cost of a few cents. Their crisp and tasty goodness is a delightful relief from heavy (ireasy meats. 100 per cent.whole wfieat. Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises TELLS SAFE AND SIMPLE WAY TO j TR EI AT AND RELIEVE AT HOME. If vou have catarrh, catarrhal deafness or head noises caused by catarrh, or if phlegm drops hi your throat and has caused catarrh of the stomach or bowels, you will be glad to know that these distressing dis-tressing symptoms may bo entirely overcame over-came in manv instances by the following treatment, which you can easily prepare in vour own home at little cost. Secure from vour rtnicist 1 ounce of Parmlnt (Double Strength). Take this home and arid to it Ki pint of hot water and a little gra'nulatPd sus;ir; stir until dissolved. Take one tanlespocnful four times a day. 'n lniVroveniait is soir.etimes noted af;er the first day's tr-':u ;nt n t. F.re.ithing should become easy, while the distresses hoad noises, Ivuiaohes. dullr.es cloudy thiukintr. etc.. should gradually d-snppear undor tiie tonic action of the treatment. L-s of snv-. t:ste, defective heans-g and mucus dropping in the b?oi: of the tlnv.it art; oth-r symptoms whioii .mir---est the presence of ea tarrh a nd v liich m.' often be overcome hy this efficacious trcatmotu. It is said tluif nearly ninety per cent of all ear trouhU-H are caused bv catarrh and tiu-re must, therefore, be many pee pie whose hearing may be restored re-stored bv this simple, luirmiess home treatment. (Advertisement.) |