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Show NOTICE OF SALE OF DRAINAGE BONDS OF SEVIER COUNTY.. Drainage District No. 2. Notice is heieby given that the board of supervisors of Sevier county drainage district No. 2 will receive scaled bids at their office at Monroe, Sevier county, state of Utah, until the 15th day of February, Feb-ruary, A. D. 191s, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purchase of sixty-five one thousand dollar drainage bonds of the said district, which bonus shall be dated the first day of February, 1918, and draw Interest at the rale of 7 per cent per annum, interest payable semiannually on the first clay of February and the first day of August of each year, the said bonds to mature on the first day of February. 1938. The said board of supervisors reserves the right to leject all bids. By order of the bnaid of supervisors. JOSEPH 11. JENSEN. Secretarv. d2.".:.o |